StreamHPC gives talks at public and in-company events to explain what GPU-programming is, while focusing on the day’s theme.

You are welcome to attend these days, or you can request a talk about OpenCL and GPU-programming to be given at your event.

Agenda Talks

At the events in the list below Vincent Hindriksen will give a talk, or has given a talk.

DateLocation - LanguageDescriptionLink to programType
6 November 2013Nijkerk - EnglishAparapi and Project Sumatra: using GPGPU in JavaNLJUG J-Fall 2013Registration and NLJUG-membership required
31+31 October 2013Cambridge (UK) - EnglishUsing the GPU for Physics computations via OpenCLMosaic3DXRegistration required
4 October 2012Amsterdam - EnglishIntroduction to OpenCL on mobile processors, to make hackers&funders think of new ideas for products which were never possible before.Hackers and Founders (Amsterdam, NL) MeetupFree
20 September 2012EnglishOngoing work on the OpenCL plugin for Eclipse - presented remotely.
I cancelled this, because my work has not advanced enough.
PTP User-Developer Workshop Sept 18-20, ChicagoRegistration required.
28 June 2012Amsterdam - EnglishGPGPU-day organised by StreamHPC. No talks by us, but by many interesting speakers from many Dutch universities.Platform Parallel NLRegistration required.
Free for students and researchers in the Netherlands.
20 June 2012Delft - EnglishIndustry-session at HPDC'12 (session 4). "Parallel Programming for the Masses" about how to walk the road forward while on the road of legacy.HPDC'12Registration required.
15 June 2012Ede - DutchTalk at SDN about how to use GPU-programming in .NET, including introduction to GPU-programming.SDNRegistration required.
Free for SDN-members.
25 May 2012Amsterdam - EnglishIn-company talk about parallel and GPU programming to decrease power usage.Internal


For reservations and requests, please mail to

Agenda Events

We are visiting or have visited the following events. This is perfect if you want to have a quick discussion with us.

DateLocationDescriptionLink to program
20-22 January 2014Vienna, AustriaA premier forum for experts in computer architecture, programming models, compilers and operating systems for embedded and general-purpose systems.HiPEAC
12+13 May 2014Bristol, UKAn annual meeting of OpenCL users, researchers, developers and suppliers to share OpenCL best practise, and to promote the evolution and advancement of the OpenCL standard.IWOCL
20 June 2013Amsterdam, NetherlandsAll about GPGPU in the NetherlandsApplied GPGPU-days
21+22 May 2013London, UKAll about HPC-techniques on low-power devicesLEAP-conference
26-28 February 2013Nürnberg, Germany873 exhibitors from 37 countries. Will focus on the processors with high-end compute-capabilities.Embedded World'13 Exhibition
21-23 January 2013Berlin, GermanyInternational conference on high-performance and embedded architectures and compilers.HiPEAC'13
18 December 2012Paris, FranceCancelled. Meetup by Paris HPC group. This talk will be about most efficient (GFLOPS / Watt) processors existing today.Very High Performance/Watt Processors: the Road to Exascale
17 December 2012Amsterdam, NetherlandsThe e-BioGrid project is part of the BiG Grid project to establish an e-infrastructure for life sciences.e-BioGrid and beyond
13 December 2012Brussels, BelgiumAll around GPUs, FPGAs and upcoming architectures.Symposium on Personal High-Performance Computing
5 + 6 November 2012Amsterdam, NetherlandsBig data event around Smart Systems, Cloud Computing, Mobile and Social Media. (I did a pitch talk here)Perfect Storm Europe
29 November 2012Eindhoven, NetherlandsAltera explains how FPGAs with an ARM-core can work for many types of problems.Altera Soc FPGA eventAltera SoC FPGA event
24 - 26 October 2012Eindhoven, NetherlandsTalks around multiscale science.Opening Symposium Eindhoven Multiscale Institute
26 September 2012Amsterdam, NetherlandsAlles over Grid-computing in Nederland.BiG Grid and beyond

Want to know more? Get in contact!

We are the acknowledged experts in OpenCL, CUDA and performance optimization for CPUs and GPUs. We proudly boast a portfolio of satisfied customers worldwide, and can also help you build high performance software. E-mail us today