Code reviews are one of the fastest ways to get the dev-team back on track in order to add performance to the code. We offer two types of code reviews, all safely under an NDA. This way you keep in control of the development, while getting expert-knowledge in.

A quick scan gives you an overview of the main ways to speed up the code and how it can be done.
This quick scan can be delivered in one week, if necessary, to give you the direction you may require in times of pressure.

Also, an extensive code review can provide all the necessary information for a redesigned architecture.

GPU-code (OpenCL, CUDA, Aparapi, and more)

Writing GPU-code and performing host-code can be tricky. The best method to learn CUDA or openCL is by doing. Nevertheless, you may need feedback sometimes to be sure you’re doing the right thing. We can check your code and give you a report with hand-on tricks to make it optimal.

CPU-code (Java, C, C++ and more)

Many CPU-codes, like Java, C, C++ and C# are written with functionality in mind, but not performance. Adding performance (cache-optimisation, memory-usage reduction, parallelisation of computations, adding OpenMP-threads, etc) is quite doable, but only when you know how. We can help you increase performance of the software through feedback and clear steps.

Let us help you!

If you are interested in this service, request more information today and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Of course, you can also contact us via phone (+31 6 45400456), or e-mail (

Want to know more? Get in contact!

We are the acknowledged experts in CUDA, HIP, OpenCL, Vulkan and performance optimization for CPUs and GPUs. We proudly boast a portfolio of satisfied customers worldwide, and can also help you build high performance software. E-mail us today