We have jobs for people who get bored easily.

In return, we offer a solution to boredom, since performance engineering is hard.

As the market demand for affordable high performance software grows, StreamHPC continuously looks for great and humble people to join our team(s). With upcoming products, new markets like OpenCL on low-power ARM processors and compute-intensive applications like AI and VR, we expect continuous growth.

We currently have two types of jobs:

  • Software Performance Engineers. The heroes who make software go vroom vroom
  • Growth and Support. The heroes who make the people and the company go vroom vroom

For the second group, you will find the most changes in the job-ads, as we seek people who want to join us for the years to come.

Find our jobs and Apply

To apply, go to our recruitment website. You can read our hiring process here.

Want to know more about getting a job at Stream HPC or in high-tech software in general? We have collected lots of information, as we want you to succeed and not be blocked by the process. You can find our writings in the menu under “Join us! Jobs” and on our blog under “Careers & Advice“.

Want to know more? Get in contact!

We are the acknowledged experts in CUDA, HIP, OpenCL, Vulkan and performance optimization for CPUs and GPUs. We proudly boast a portfolio of satisfied customers worldwide, and can also help you build high performance software. E-mail us today