We believe company culture is authentic when it grows from the bottom up, not the top down! Below, you’ll see how our team defines our culture. Throughout the hiring process, we focus on these values to see if you’d be a great fit.

Think before you act: Think ahead, focus on analyzing and solve problems step by step.

  • Good: Listening to all problem-analysis of all colleagues on the project, before searching and picking solutions.
  • Bad: Picking “the logical solution” and moving forward immediately without impact-analysis

Respectful collaboration: Collaborate respectfully and be open to learning from others.

  • Good: Asking more questions when a remark is not understood.
  • Bad: Spending time on a problem alone for days or weeks, when somebody said it was impossible (and could perfectly explain what was the bottleneck or core-problem) or not a priority

Take responsibility: take responsibility for your work and its results.

  • Good: Reporting a compiler-bug you wrote a work-around for
  • Bad: “Done! And now it’s somebody else’s problem”

Focus on to whom your work will be delivered to: Understand what users need and then work to make things better for them. The user can be a colleague, a department, the company or a customer.

  • Good: investigate bugs seriously
  • Bad: it works for me!

Respect others: Respect the time and energy of your colleagues, and keep the ownership until fully transferred.

  • Good: Estimating all issues you own, and administrating time spent, so the other team members know how much time-budget is left.
  • Bad: “Here’s a PR of April. Happy merging!”
  • Bad: “That’s not my responsibility”

Confident, but humble: Feel good about your abilities, but remain humble and open to learning.

  • Good: “I could be wrong, but this is how I understand the problem”
  • Bad: “This is the only solution that works, so no discussion needed”

Be the teacher and the student: Keep learning and trying to get better at what you do while sharing what you know with others.

  • Good: “Given you know X and I know Z, we can work this out together”
  • Bad: “Your solution won’t work. Period!”

Want to know more? Get in contact!

We are the acknowledged experts in CUDA, HIP, OpenCL, Vulkan and performance optimization for CPUs and GPUs. We proudly boast a portfolio of satisfied customers worldwide, and can also help you build high performance software. E-mail us today