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Need a programmer for OpenCL on AMD FirePro, Radeon or APU? Hire us!
AMD has support for all their recent GPUs and CPUS, and has good performance on products starting from 2010/2011:
AMD does not provide a standard SDK kit which contains both hardware and software, as their hardware is available at many computer-shops.
The OpenCL SDK (software) needs to be downloaded in several steps:
- Graphics drivers
- APP SDK with code-examples
- CPU profiling
- GPU profiling
- GPU debugging
- Static OpenCL kernel analysis
- CodeAnalyst Performance Analyzer
CodeXL replaces the following software in de AMD APP software family:
These are still available for download.
There is (free) training material available:
Other AMD software for OpenCL
The APP Math Libraries contain FFT and BLAS functions optimised for AMD GPUs.
OpenCL-in-Java can be done using Aparapi.