Every month StreamHPC offers an OpenCL training in Mathematics or Media-operations. The target is OpenCL 1.2 (AMD, NVidia, Intel) or OpenCL 2.0 on request. All trainings will be given by experienced OpenCL developers/trainers.

If you have any question, just ask. Call +31854865760 or use the contact form.

[one_half title=”Trainings overview”]

A training takes 3½ days, from basics on the first morning to special requests on the 4th morning. You’ll have to bring your own laptop, or you login to a compute-server.

The Media-operations module is based on “Heterogeneous Computing with OpenCL, second edition” by Benedict Gaster, Lee Howes, David R. Kaeli, Perhaad Mistry & Dana Schaa.

It covers convolution, video-processing, histogram and mixed particle simulation. Extra subjects are OpenCL-OpenGL interop and code-optimisation.

It is a fit if you work with images, sound and video.



The Mathematics module is based on “OpenCL in Action” by Matthew Scarpino.

It covers reduction, sorting, matrix-operations and signal processing.

If you work on graphs, matrices and data-manipulation, this is for you.



The default location is Amsterdam. It has a regular and cheap flight-connection to all mayor cities in Europe, good public transport and relatively good hotels and hostels.


The costs are €1950,- per person (this includes a copy of the book), when at least 5 people have subscribed to the course.

If you want a private, in-house trainings, please contact us for more information. Trainings outside Europe (Russia, Asia, Americas) are possible, but travel-costs will be added when the group is under 6 people.


[one_half title=”Tranings Agenda”]

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Apply by using the contact form and by filling in the pre-training questionnaire. Alternatively, you can call to +31645400456.

Want to know more? Get in contact!

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