StreamHPC is the best known company in GPU-computing (OpenCL/CUDA/HIP/SYCL). We are also active in related technologies like Cloud-computing, embedded development, algorithm-design, graphics development (OpenGL/VULKAN), Machine Learning, and HPC (OpenMP/MPI).

We are distributed between mainly Amsterdam, Budapest and Barcelona.

The developers, the heart of the company

The company consists of highly skilled developers and low-level performance engineers. We mostly manage ourselves, but always with help of the group. This way we have influence by showing ownership.

Each employee regularly shares their experience and checks the work of colleagues, to keep the standards high. This results in faster deliveries with higher quality of code, for which we’ve been complimented often.

Want to work at StreamHPC too? Check our jobs-page.

The Leads

The senior team deals with new directions/markets/strategies, training the employees and making sure the project teams get enabled. We use EOS to lead our company.

DepartmentLeadExtra info
BoardVincent Hindriksen + Maurizio CampeseContact via
HR + RecruitmentBerrak BasContact via
Consultancy + ProjectsMaurizio Campese + Vincent HindriksenWe will recruit for this role in H1 2025
Operations + IntegratorMaurizio Campese
Sales + marketingVincent HindriksenContact via
Finance + LegalVincent Hindriksen
Open Standards
ITRobin Voetter + Balint SoproniWe are actively recruiting for this role

Hire the experts

On average we have our pipeline full for 3-6 months, but always reserve time for shorter projects (maximum a month).

Call +31 854865760 or mail to or fill in the contact form to have a chat on how we can solve your software performance problems or do your software development.

Want to know more? Get in contact!

We are the acknowledged experts in CUDA, HIP, OpenCL, Vulkan and performance optimization for CPUs and GPUs. We proudly boast a portfolio of satisfied customers worldwide, and can also help you build high performance software. E-mail us today