We have some embedded devices here, which badly need attention. Some have gotten some private time on the bench, but we did not share anything on the blog yet with our readers. We simply need some extra hands to do this. Because it’s actually cool to do, but admittedly a bit boring when doing several devices, it was the perfect job for an intern. Besides the benchmarking, we have some other Linux-related projects for you. You’ll get an average payment for an internship in the Netherlands (in Dutch: “stagevergoeding”), lunch, a desk and a bunch of devices (aka toys-for-techies).
Like more companies in the Netherlands, we don’t care about how you where born, but who you are as a person. We expect from you that you…
- know everything about Linux administration, from servers to embedded devices.
- know how to setup a benchmark.
- document all what you do, not only the results.
- speak and write Dutch and English.
- have great humor! (Even if you’re the only one who laughs at your jokes).
- study in the EU, or can arrange the paperwork to get to the EU yourself.
- have a place to live/crash in or nearby Amsterdam, or don’t mind the daily travelling. You cannot sleep in the office.
Together with your educational institute we’ll discuss the exact learning goals of the internship, and make a plan for a period of 3 to 6 months.
If you are interested, send a mail to jobs@streamhpc.com. If you know somebody who would be interested, please tell that person that we’re waiting for him/her! Also tips&tricks on finding the right person are very welcome.