
Q&A with Adrien Plagnol and Frédéric Langlade-Bellone on WebCL

WebCL_300WebCL is a great technique to have compute-power in the browser. After WebGL which gives high-end graphics in the browser, this is a logical step on the road towards the browser-only operating system (like Chrome OS, but more will follow).

Another way to look at technologies like WebCL, is that it makes it possible to lift the standard base from the OS to the browser. If you remember the trial of Microsoft’s integration of Internet Explorer, the focus was on the OS needing the browser for working well. Now it is the other way around, but it can be any OS. This is because the push doesn’t come from below, but from above.

Last year two guys from Lyon (South-France) got quite some attention, as they wrote a WebCL-plugin. Their names: Adrien Plagnol and Frédéric Langlade-Bellone. Below you’ll find a Q&A with them on WebCL. Enjoy! Continue reading “Q&A with Adrien Plagnol and Frédéric Langlade-Bellone on WebCL”

Exposing OpenCL on Android: Q&A with Tim Lewis of ZiiLabs

ZiiLabs has been offering an early access program for OpenCL SDK since last year. This program was very selective in choosing developers and little news has been put on their webpage. Now they are planning to make their Android NDK a standard component, it’s a good time to ask them some questions. GPGPU-consultant Liad Weinberger of Appilo also added a few questions.

The Q&A has been with Tim Lewis, director Marketing and Partner Relations of ZiiLabs, who has taken the time to give some insights in what we can expect around accelerated computations on Android. ZiiLabs has been better known as 3DLabs and has reinvented itself in 2009 (you can read the full history here). Like other companies in the ARM-industry they mostly design chips and let other parties manufacture devices using their schematics, drivers and software. Now to the questions.

Continue reading “Exposing OpenCL on Android: Q&A with Tim Lewis of ZiiLabs”