Profit markets
NVIDIA sees two growth-markets where there is growth in profit: HPC and mobile. PC-sales are declining.
Where CUDA and where OpenCL?
- HPC: definitely CUDA
- Gaming at consoles: NVIDIA lost most market to AMD – but margins are very low anyway
- Mobile: OpenCL (see what Neil Trevett of NVIDIA/Khronos says on mobiles and OpenCL)
- PCs: DirectCompute, CUDA, OpenCL (undecided – see remark below)
- Browser: WebCL (see also the mentioned link)
Most of all, NVIDIA has discovered LLVM to be able to handle all types of programming languages. While last December a presenter from the CUDA-team got updated on OpenCL-capabilities (last minute of this video), they’ve seemed to have figured out all the possibilities of using LLVM and are heavily betting on it. This will solve their multi-language problem, so even DirectCompute could get an LLVM-frontend. More about LLVM later, as this a very important subject.
We will certainly hear more about how NVIDIA sees the different market segments at their GTC conference.
Read more
- The future of NVIDIA in 2009: http://www.bit-tech.net/hardware/graphics/2009/08/20/does-nvidia-have-a-future/1
- Why The Market Is Valuing Nvidia Incorrectly: http://seekingalpha.com/article/569461-why-the-market-is-valuing-nvidia-incorrectly (Be aware that SeekingAlpha is the worst source ever)
- The future of the $200 tablet: http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9226572/The_future_of_the_200_tablet