MPI in terms of OpenCL

OpenCL is a member of a family of Host-Kernel programming language extensions. Others are CUDA, IMPC and DirectCompute/AMP. It lets itself define by a separate function or set of functions referenced to as kernel, which are prepared and launched by the host to run in parallel. Added to that are deeply integrated language-extensions for vectors, which gives an extra dimension to parallelism.

Except from the vectors, there is much overlap between Host-Kernel-languages and parallel standards like MPI and OpenMP. As MPI and OpenMPI have focused on how to get software parallel for years now, this could give you an image of how OpenCL (and the rest of the family) will evolve. And it answers how its main concept message-passing could be done with OpenCL, and more-over how OpenCL could be integrated into MPI/OpenMP.

At the right you see bees doing different things, which is easy to parallellise with MPI, but currently doesn’t have the focus of OpenCL (when targeting GPUs). But actually it is very easy to do this with OpenCL too, if the hardware supports it such like CPUs.

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