If one thing can be said about Europe, is that it is quite diverse. Each country solves or fails to solve its own problems individually, while European goals are not always well-cared for. Nevertheless, you can notice things changing. One of the areas where things have changed, is that of HPC. HPH has always been a well-interconnected research in Europe (with its centre in CERN), but there is a catch-up going on for the European commercial market. The whole of Europe has new goals set for better collaboration between companies and research institutes with programs like Horizon 2020. This means that it becomes necessary to improve interconnections among much larger groups.
In most magazines HPC is a section of a broader scope. This is also very important as this introduces HPC to more people. Now, I’d like to concentrate on the focus magazines. There are mainly two magazines available: Primeur Magazine and HPC Today.
Primeur Magazine
De Netherlands based magazine Primeur-magazine has been around for years, with HPC-news from Europe, video-channel, knowledge-base, calendar and more. Issues of past weeks can be read online (for free), but news can also be delivered via a weekly e-mail (paid service, prices range from €125 to €4000 per company/institute, depending on size).
They focus on being a news-channel for what is going on in in the HPC-world, both in the EU and the US. Don’t forget to follow them on Twitter.
HPC Today
Update: the magazine changed its name from HPC Magazine to HPC Today.
With several editions (Americas, Europe and France), websites and TV channels, the France based HPC Today brings an actionable coverage of the HPC and Big Data news, technologies, uses and research. Subscriptions are free, as the magazine is paid-for by advertisements. They balance their articles by targeting both people who deeply understand malloc() and people who want to know what is going on. Their readers are developers and researchers from both academic and private sectors.
With the change to HPC Today the content has slightly changed according the requests from the readers: less science, more HPC news. For the rest it’s about the same.
To get an idea of how they’re doing, check the partners of HPC Magazine: Teratec, ISC events and SC conference.
Other European HPC sources
Not all information around the web is nicely bundled in a PDF. Find a small list below to help you start.
The German National Supercomputing Centers HLRS, LRZ, NIC publish the online magazine InSiDE (Innovatives Supercomputing in Deutschland) twice a year. The articles are available in html and PDF. It gives a good overview of what is going on in Germany and Europe. There are no ways to subscribe via e-mail, so it would be better to put it in your calendar.
The e-Infrastructure initiative‘s main goal is to support the creation of a political, technological and administrative framework for an easy and cost-effective shared use of distributed electronic resources across Europe.
e-IRG is not a magazine, but it is a good start to find information about HPC in Europe. Their knowledge-base is very useful when trying to get an overview what is there in Europe: Projects, Country-statistics, Computer centers and more. They closely collaborate with Primeur-magazine, so can you see some overlap in the information.
PRACE Digest
PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe) is to enable high impact scientific discovery, as well as engineering research and development across all disciplines to enhance European competitiveness for the benefit of society. PRACE seeks to achieve this mission by offering world class computing and data management resources and services through a peer review process.
The PRACE digest appears as twice a year as a PDF.
Did we miss an important news-source or magazine? Let us know in the comments below!