Basic Concepts: Writing OpenCL code for single and double precision

What’s precise enough?

Support for double precision floating-point type double in OpenCL kernels requires an extension. AMD provides cl_khr_fp64 for newer high-edn hardware, but also a non-fully compliant cl_amd_fp64 extension for other hardware. NVIDIA and Intel support the cl_khr_fp64, so no exceptions need to be made for those drivers.

The code you see bellow these lines is based on a page you can find on Bealto and it was written by Eric Bainville. I added extra typedefs, removed a constant and added DOUBLE_SUPPORT_AVAILABLE for easier fallback.


#if defined(cl_khr_fp64)  // Khronos extension available?
#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64 : enable
#elif defined(cl_amd_fp64)  // AMD extension available?
#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_amd_fp64 : enable



// double
typedef double real_t;
typedef double2 real2_t;
typedef double3 real3_t;
typedef double4 real4_t;
typedef double8 real8_t;
typedef double16 real16_t;
#define PI 3.14159265358979323846


// float
typedef float real_t;
typedef float2 real2_t;
typedef float3 real3_t;
typedef float4 real4_t;
typedef float8 real8_t;
typedef float16 real16_t;
#define PI 3.14159265359f


A macro is defined by the OpenCL C compiler for each available extension, which is cl_khr_fp64 in this example. This macro can be tested to enable the extension with #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64 : enable.

Now, you need to use the defined constant(s) and  real_t, real2_t types instead of float or double. The definition of CONFIG_USE_DOUBLE is passed as compilation option to clBuildProgram to make the switch between double and single precision. If there is no double-support, it falls back to single precision.

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Basic Concepts: out of resources with clEnqueueReadBuffer

“Oops! The best way to learn, when you love trial-on-error”™

In the series “Basic Concepts” various basics of GPGPU and OpenCL are discussed. This time we go into a typical one: when an error does not imply the actual problem. It is therefore good to have an overview of all errors with their descriptions.

When you get an out-of-resources error or when you get a crash when using clEnqueReadBuffer, you are sort of left in the dark. What does it mean? And how can you solve it?

Typical: one driver crashes/segfaults and another one gives this error. 

Officially the error is defined as:

CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES if there is a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the device.

Which means that there can more reasons than the device being out of resources. A better name would have been CL_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_ERROR. It can be thrown by various functions, but we focus on this one function. It cannot by thrown by clEnqueWriteBuffer, as that depends on the limits of the host.

Finding out the cause

The oldest trick of ‘m all: try to use the CPU and check what the error is then. CPUs are great to detect data-races (correct on CPU, not on GPU) and CPUs are a bit more stable when you have buggy code plus have more RAM. Be sure to install both Intel’s and AMD’s drivers.

Calling clFinish at each line, helps you pinpoint the actual line it happens or to get an error instead of a crash.

Then you have the following options:

  1. 9 out of 10 times you have a pointer problem at the host or are writing out of bounds. So you try to write to an illegal memory location, or try to cram in an 35×35 float* into 10x10x10 float* space (buffer-overflow). Double check the host memory-sizes, and if the host-pointers are correct.
  2. You read out of bounds on the device. Double-check the used memory-sizes.
  3. You might have hit a limit of the driver, such as the 5s timeout if the NVidia card is also being used as a display. Rule out you have used up all memory by using both smaller and larger(!) objects. Also note down memory object sizes over time. Be sure you clean up non-used objects. Fragmentation of device-memory can also be the problem it eventually goes wrong.

The last one I have not encountered myself, but found on the Nvidia forums. I recently had this error (type 1), because I had introduced clear naming in the code I was working on. When I introduced the standard ‘h_‘ and ‘d_‘ prefixes for all variables, I immediately found the cause.

Hope it has helped you understand the resource allocation error. If you found other reasons, please share via the comments and I’ll add it. If you have requests what to discuss in this series, let me know via Twitter or the comments.

OpenCL error codes (1.x and 2.x)

Little Britain: “Compu’er says no”. (links to Youtube movie)

Knowing all errors by heart is good for quick programming, but not always the best option. Therefore I started to create a full list with extra info, taken from cl.h and the reference documentation.

The problem with many error-codes is that they are sometimes context-dependent and then become quite useless in helping the programmer out. Also some drivers return different error-codes. Notice also that different errors are given per OpenCL-version for the same function. If you find problems, help make OpenCL better and give feedback.

Want it on your wall? You can easily copy these two tables into Excel or alike software and print it out.

Continue reading “OpenCL error codes (1.x and 2.x)”

OpenCL Basics: Flags for the creating memory objects

flagsIn OpenCL large memory objects, residing in the main memory of the host or the global memory at the accelerator/GPU, need special treatment. First reason is that these memories are relatively slow. Second reason is that the most times serial copy of objects between these two memories take time.

In this post I’d like to discuss all the flags for when creating memory objects, and what they can do to assist in this special treatment.

This is explained on this page of clCreateBuffer in the specifications, but I think it is not really clear. The function clCreateBuffer (and the alike functions for creating images, sub-buffers, etc) suggests that you create a special OpenCL-object to be given as argument to the kernel. What actually happens is that space is made available in main memory of the accelerator and optionally a link with host-memory is made.

The flags are divided over three groups: device access, host access and host pointer flags.

Continue reading “OpenCL Basics: Flags for the creating memory objects”

Targetting various architectures in OpenCL and CUDA

“Everything that *is* makes up one single world; but not everything is alike in this world” – Plato

The question we aim to answer in this post is: “How to do you make software that performs on several platforms?”.

Note: This article is not fully finished – I’ll add more information during the coming months. It’s busy here!

Even in many Java-code you’ll find hard-coded filename-delimiters in the file-names, which then work on one OS only. Portability is a problem that exists in various aspects of programming. Let’s look at some of the main goals software can have, and which portability-problems they have.

  • Functionality. This is the minimum requirement. Once a function is decided, changing functionality takes a lot of time. Writing code that is very flexible in requirements is hard.
  • User-interface. This is what one sees and which is not too abstract to talk about. For example, porting software to a touch-device requires a lot of rethinking of interaction-principles.
  • API and library usage. To lower development-time, existing and known APIs and libraries are used. This can work out three ways: separation of concerns, less development-time and dependency. The first two being good architectural choices, the latter being a potential hazard. Changing the underlying APIs is not easy.
  • Data-types. Handling video is different from handling video-formats. If the files can be handles in the intermediate form used by the software, then adding new file-types is relatively easy.
  • OS and platform. Besides many visible specifics, an OS is also a collection of APIs. Not only corporate operating systems tend to think of their own platform only, but also competing standards. It compares a lot to what is described under APIs.
  • Hardware-performance. Optimizing software for a specific platform makes it harder to port to other platforms. This will the main point of this article.

OpenCL is known for not being performance-portable, but it is the best we currently have when it comes to writing code with performance as a primary target. The funny thing is that with CUDA 5.0 it has become clearer that NVIDIA has the problem in their GPGPU-language too, whereas it was used before to differentiate CUDA from OpenCL. Also, CUDA 5.0 has many new features only available on the latest Kepler-GPUs.

Continue reading “Targetting various architectures in OpenCL and CUDA”