Dutch: Gratis kennisochtend over de nieuwe generatie processoren

Ergens opgevangen dat grafische kaarten tegenwoordig ingezet kunnen worden voor zware berekeningen? Tijdens een koffiegesprek gehoord over vector-processors als aanvulling op scalaire processors? Dan wordt het tijd dat u de grote veranderingen op processorgebied op een rijtje krijgt om uw organisatie beter op innovatief gebied te kunnen sturen.

Zie https://streamhpc.com/education/gratis-kennislunch/ voor een uur uitleg op lokatie.

Voor wie is deze kennis-ochtend?

Bedrijven voor wie snelheid belangrijk is en grote hoeveelheden data moeten verwerken. Bijvoorbeeld rekencentra, R&D-afdelingen, financiele instituten, ontwikkelaars van medische software, algoritme-ontwikkelaars en vision-bedrijven. Ook investeerder met hitech-bedrijven in hun portfolio kunnen gratis op de hoogte gebracht worden van de huidige ontwikkelingen.

U heeft geen technische achtergrond nodig, maar u zult zich niet vervelen indien u bits&bytes spreekt. Wij vragen uw achtergrond aan te geven, zodat we de juiste details in het programma kunnen toevoegen.

Wat is het programma?

In het eerste uur hoort u hoe de huidige processor-markt veranderd zijn ten opzichte van enkele jaren geleden – en welke nieuwe software-ontwikkelmethodes zijn geintroduceerd. Daarna krijgt u een overzicht van de nieuwe oplossingen die beschikbaar zijn en hoe dit zich verhouden tot de bestaande. Dit geeft u dan voldoende inzichten om te bepalen of het toepasbaar is binnen uw bedrijf. Het uur wordt afgesloten met wat StreamHPC voor u kan betekenen, maar ook wat u zelf kunt doen.

In het tweede uur bespreken we enkele use-cases en is er tijd voor vragen. De use-cases die worden besproken zijn afhankelijk van de achtergronden van de aanwezigen; denk aan bijvoorbeeld Monte Carlo, physics, enzym-werkingen, matrix-berekeningen en neurale netwerken.


Indien er minimaal 10 aanmeldingen zijn, wordt er een datum geprikt.

Indien u binnen uw bedrijf direct interesse heeft, is het mogelijk dat StreamHPC bij u langs komt om deze presentatie te geven aangepast aan uw achtergrond. Neem daarvoor contact met ons op.

Apple’s dragging OpenCL compiler problem

OSX-brokenRemember the times that the OpenCL compilers where not that good as they’re now? Correct source-code being rejected, typos being accepted, long compile times, crashes during compiling and other irritating bugs. These made the work of an OpenCL developer in “the old days” quite tiresome – you needed a lot of persistence and report bugs. Lucky on desktops the drivers have improved a lot.

Apple’s buggy OpenCL compiler

Now to Apple. There have always been complaints about the irritating bugs that were in Apple’s compiler. Recently the Luxrender community started to make more complaints, as the guy responsible for the OSX port decided to quit. This was due to utter frustration: code that worked on every other OS, simply did not work on OSX. Luxrender’s Paolo Ciccone stood up and made this extremely public, by writing an open letter to Apple’s CEO Tim Cook (posted below).

The letter is not specific about the kind of bugs and and therefore asked him via Twitter which were the bugs he was talking about. He explained me that it’s very simple:


Here at StreamHPC we could write around those bugs in most cases, but Luxrender has bigger and more complex kernels than we used in our projects – then it’s simply impossible to write around, as the compiler simply crashes. It seems that OSX still has those old compilers, Linux and Windows used to have years ago.


Metal is the OpenCL-alternative on iOS 8 and up.

If you’re thinking that Metal could be a reason – that language looks very much like OpenCL, as it’s simply OpenCL as Apple would like it to be. Porting between the two languages is therefore quite simple. This also means that with some small fixes a Metel-kernel could be compiled by existing OpenCL-compiler. Ok, there is much more than the compute part, but the message is that more complex Metal wouldn’t be possible using this driver-stack.

If we end up in a situation that Metal comes to OSX and is more stable than OpenCL, only then we can say that Apple tries to block OpenCL in favour of their own APIs.

The letter

I’m really happy that Paolo Ciccone had the guts to publicly complain. This is the letter he wrote:

Dear Mr. Cook.

I’m sorry to bother you but we have tried all other channels and nothing worked.

I’m part of a group of developers of a physically-based renderer called LuxRender. LuxRender has been written to use OpenCL to accelerate its enormous amount of computation necessary to generate photo-realistic scenes. You can see some of the images generated by Lux at http://luxrender.net. Lux is an Open Source program.

Apple has defined OpenCL and we have adopted this API instead of the proprietary CUDA in order to be able to work with all kind of hardware on all major platforms. It made sense for an OSS to use an open standard.

The reason why I’m writing to you is that, after waiting for years, we still have broken GPU drivers on OS X. Scenes that render perfectly well on Windows and even on Linux simply abort on OS X. This is happening with both AMD and nVidia GPUs.

The problem is unsolvable from our side. We need updated, fixed drivers for OS X. The problem is so bad hat our main OS X developer has announced, today, that he is giving up OS X. He simply can’t do his job.

I kindly request that you look into this and give us working AMD and nVidia drivers in an upcoming, possibly soon, update of OS X. We are more than willing to work with your engineers, if you need any kind of specific help in identifying the problem.

Thank you for your attention.

Paolo Ciccone

If you want to help, also post this letter on your blog or in a forum. The more this is shared, the better. Especially Apple’s forum, asking for the official statement.

Help us find our future COO

Is this a motto that goes with your personality? Then we want to talk with you.

About 7 years ago we were still dealing with the usual peaks and lows of consultancy.
I’d like to get your help to find our future COO to help streamline this growth.
You might have seen that there are hardly any new blog posts – now you know why. By helping us find that special person, there can be put more time of writing new blog posts again.
If you know the perfect person for this job in Amsterdam, please let them know there is this unique company looking for her or him. Sharing this blog-post would help a lot.
You can find more information in this job-post:

We all know that quality comes with attention to detail, but also that with growth the details are the first to be postponed. We seek help in handling daily operations during our growth. The most important tasks are:

  • Customer contact. You make sure the communication is regular and smooth with all our customers, making them more engaged and happy with us.
  • Sales follow up. You take over to discuss the needs of potential customers pre-sales has had contact with.
  • Team support. You help the development-teams to get even better by helping them to solve their daily and long-term problems.

The job is very broad, but is all around a listening ear and getting things done.

You have studied business administration or alike, and have a can-do attitude. You know how to work with technical people and are a real team-player. You understand how to develop and engage group dynamics.

Do you think this is a job written for you, then we would like to hear more from you! Send an email to jobs@streamhpc.com with a motivational letter and listing relevant experience.

Thanks for helping out!

If you got sent here, we hope to hear from you!

About Us

Stream HPC  is a software development company in parallel software for many-core processors. We provide professional software development services, training and consulting to help you increase compute performance in software while lowering hardware-costs.

We have 3 locations.

Stream HPC B.V. (Amsterdam)

Koningin Wilhelminaplein 1 – 40601
1062 HG Amsterdam
Netherlands, Europe

phone: +31 854865760 (office) or +31 6 45400456 (cell)

Visit us in Amsterdam

Stream HPC Hungary Kft. (Budapest)

Radnóti Miklós u. 2
Budapest, 1137
Hungary, Europe

Stream HPC Spain S.L. (Barcelona)

Plaza de Catalunya 1, 4th floor
Barcelona 08002
Spain, Europe


2010 – 2013: the freelancing years

The company started as a freelancing business, with one focus: Programming GPUs with OpenCL. It was though, as back then the G in GPU stood for “Graphics only”.

The name was “StreamComputing” = A high-performance computer system that analyzes multiple data streams from many sources live. The main goal was to create software algorithms that analyze the data in real time as it streams in to increase speed and accuracy when dealing with data handling and analysis, which was in line with that.

2014: first hope

Four years later the first employee, Anca, was hired. Later that year the freelancing business was was turned into a limited company. GPUs got more seen as data-processors and trainings were the main income. Projects were still small, GPGPU was a world of early adopters and most time was invested on trainings.

First contact was made with AMD, now one of our biggest clients.

2015-2017: initial growth

Stream grew to a handful of employees, and we did projects for HSA foundation, Stanford, AMD, Zeiss, Nokia, Philips and many lesser known companies.

Trainings were still done, but were by far not the main resource of income anymore. We tried some FPGA-work, but found that most promises were not implemented yet.

2017: a new name

We renamed the company to Stream HPC. There were several reasons. As we focused more on customers from Asia and North America, we needed the .com, which was unavailable. Getting the new name was quite a quest, but we got there: by customers we were often referred to as “Stream”, a business coach assured us that CPU-work would remain important and thus “HPC” was more important that “GPU”, and it was quite difficult to type streamcomputign correctly.

2017-2020: hitting all kinds of ceilings

The goal was to grow further, but this turned out to be more difficult than expected. All kinds of obstacles got in our way, and we even once shrunk in size. With trainings, coaching, reading and persistence, we got to understand the hurdles and finally could implement solutions. Looking back it was easy.

2021: Stream HPC Hungary

Hungary started as a group of freelancers. We were very happy with the quality provided by our Hungarian colleagues, and that was enough reason to invest more. We opened the new office in Q3.

The company now turned into a group of companies, and all was set up to extend the group more easily.

We grew back to 15 people by the end of the year.

2022: Benchmark.io

At ISC Benchmark.io was started. To help our customers do better benchmarks, we put all our knowledge into a separate product. Due to high demand for our consultancy services, it is in private beta only.

2022: Stream HPC Spain

Barcelona was opened in Q3.

The estimation is to grow to 25-35 people by the end of the year.

OpenCL.org internship/externship

Our internship is according the description: it’s a rather complex homepage which should look good on your CV (if you manage to build it).

Want to help build an important website? OpenCL.org’s components have been designed and partly built, but still a lot of work needs to be done. We’re seeking an intern (or “extern” when not in Amsterdam) who can help us build the site. This internship is not about GPUs!

To complete the tasks, the following is required:

  • Technical expertise:
    • HTML5, CSS
    • PHP
    • Javascript
    • jQuery
    • Node.js
    • Mediawiki
    • XSLT
  • Can-do mentality
  • Able to plan own work
  • Good communication-skills
  • Available for 3 to 6 months

We don’t expect you know all tools, so we will guide you in learning new tools and techniques. Write us a “email of interest” to info@streamhpc.com, and write what you can and what your objectives for an internship would be.

We’re looking forward to see your letter!

Slow Software Hotline

In the perfect world all software is fast, giving us time to do actual work. Unfortunately we live in an unperfect world, and we have to spend extra time controlling our anger as the software keeps us waiting.

Therefore we have opened the Slow Software Hotline – reachable via both phone and email. It has one goal: make you feel happy again.

Reporting is easy. Just name the commercial software that needs to be sped up and why. We’ll do the rest. If you need help with initial anger management due to the slow (and/or buggy) software, we’re happy to help with breathing practises.

Phone: +31 854865760

Email: hotline@streamhpc.com

We will not sit still until all software is fast. Speeding up all software out there. One at the time.

Should SPIRV be supported in CUDA?

Would you like to run CUDA-kernels on the OpenCL framework? Or Python or Rust? SPIRV is the answer! Where source-to-source translations had several limitations, SPIRV 1.1 even supports higher level languages like C++.

SPIRV is the strength of OpenCL and it will only get bigger.

Currently Intel drivers best supports SPIRV, making it the first target for the new SPIRV-frontends. It is unknown which vendor will be next – probably one which (almost) has OpenCL 2.0 drivers already, such as AMD, ARM, Qualcomm or even NVidia.

How interesting is SPIRV really?

So if SPIRV is really that important a reason to choose for OpenCL, I thought of framing it towards CUDA-devs on twitter in a special way:

Should CUDA 9 support SPIRV?

2 people voted no, 29 people voted yes.

So that’s a big yes for SPIRV-support on CUDA. And why not? Don’t we want to program in our own language and not be forced to use C or C++? SPIRV makes it possible to quickly add support in any language out there without official support of the vendor. Let wrappers handle the differences per vendor and let SPIRV be the shared language for GPU-kernels. Where do we need OpenCL or CUDA for, if the real work is defined by SPIRV?

What do you think? Leave your comment below how you see the future of GPGPU with SPIRV in town. Is 2017 the year of SPIRV?

And if you worked on a SPIRV-frontend, get in touch to continue your project on https://github.com/spirv. Yes, it’s empty right now, but you don’t know what’s hidden.

Winning demo of Tokyo Demo Fest 2013 uses OpenCL

flagThe Tokyo Demo Fest 2013 is one of the many demo-parties around the globe. At such parties is where great programmers meet great artists and show off what came out of their collaborations.

The winner of this year used OpenCL to compute real-time procedurally generated geometries. For the rest C++, OpenGL and Gamemonkey Script was used.


Tech features: curl noise, volumetric textures, Perlin noise, mesh deformations, HDR/bloom, film grain, fractals, Hermite splines, Tweens and quaternion iridescent particles.

The creator, Tokyo-based Eddie Lee, has done more projects – be sure to visit his homepage. I hope more demosceners start using the power of OpenCL to get more out of their demo’s.

Do you see where below kernel is used? Hint: check the other videos of Eddie.

__kernel void curlnel( 
                      __read_only image3d_t volume,  
                      sampler_t volumeSampler,  
                      __global float4 *output,  
                      float speed 
    uint index = get_global_id(0); 
    uint numParticles = get_global_size(0); 
    float indexNormalized = (float)index/numParticles; 

    // read from 3D texture 
    float4 vertData = output[index]; 

    float3 samplePos = vertData.s012; 
    samplePos = samplePos+(float3)(0.5f); 

    float4 voxel = (read_imagef(volume, volumeSampler, 

    vertData.s012 += voxel.xyz*speed; 

    output[index] = vertData; 

According to GPUVerify (see previous post) the line starting with “float4 voxel” has an error.

Contact us

Thank you for your interest in our company and services. We will try to answer your question within 24 hours.

There are three ways to get in contact:

    First Name (required)

    Last Name (required)

    Email (required)

    Company (required)

    Phone number

    Your Message

    See ‘about us‘ for the address and other business-specific information.

    21-23 August: OpenCL Training London

    From 21 to 23 August StreamHPC will give a 3-day training in OpenCL. Here you will learn how to develop OpenCL-programs.

    A separate ticket for only the first day can be bought, as then will be a crash-course into OpenCL. Module basics.

    The second and third day will all about parallel-algorithm design, optimisation and error-handling. Module optimisation with several new subjects added.

    The last part of the third day is reserved for special subjects, as requested by the attendees. Continue reading “21-23 August: OpenCL Training London”

    New grown-ups on the block

    Members of the band There is one big reason StreamHPC chose for OpenCL and that is (future) hardware-support. I talked about NVIDIA versus AMD a lot, but knowing others would join soon. AMD is correct when they say the future is fusion: hybrid computing with a single chip holding both CPU- and GPU-cores, sharing the same memory and interconnected at high speed. Merging the technologies would also give possible much higher bandwidths to memory for the CPU. Let us see in short which products from experienced companies will appear on the OpenCL-stage.

    Continue reading “New grown-ups on the block”