Using async_work_group_copy() on 2D data

async_all_the_things1When copying data from global to local memory, you often see code like below (1D data):

if (get_group_id(0)==0) {
  for (int i=0; i < N; i++) {
      data_local[i] = data_global[offset+i]

This can be replaced this with an asynchronous copy with the function async_work_group_copy, which results in more manageable and cleaner code. The function behaves like an asynchronous version of memcpy() you know from C++.

event_t async_work_group_copy ( __local gentype *dst,
const __global gentype *src,
size_t  data_size,
event_t event
event_t async_work_group_copy ( __global gentype *dst,
const __local gentype *src,
size_t data_size,
event_t event

The Khronos registry async_work_group_copy provides asynchronous copies between global and local memory and a prefetch from global memory. This way it’s much easier to hide the latency of the data-transfer. In de example below, you effectively get free time to do the do_other_stuff() – this results in faster code.

As I could not find a good code-snippets online, I decided to clean-up and share some of my code. Below is a kernel that uses a patch of size (offset*2+1) and works on 2D data, flattened to a float-array. You can use it for standard convolution-like kernels.

The code is executed on workgroup-level, so there is no need to write code that makes sure it’s only executed by one work-item.


kernel void using_local(const global float* dataIn, local float* dataInLocal) {
    event_t event;
    const int dataInLocalWidth = (offset*2 + get_local_size(0));
    for (int i=0; i < (offset*2 + get_local_size(1)); i++) {
        event = async_work_group_copy(
             &dataIn[(get_group_id(1)*get_local_size(1) - offset + i) * get_global_size(0) 
                 + (get_group_id(0)*get_local_size(0)) - offset],
   do_other_stuff(); // code that you can execute for free
   wait_group_events(1, &event); // waits until the copy has finished.


On the host (C++), the most important part:

cl::Buffer cl_dataIn(*context, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY|CL_MEM_HOST_WRITE_ONLY, sizeof(float) 
          * gsize_x * gsize_y);
cl::LocalSpaceArg cl_dataInLocal = cl::Local(sizeof(float) * (lsize_x+2*offset) 
          * (lsize_y+2*offset));
queue.enqueueWriteBuffer(cl_dataIn, CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof(float) * size_x * size_y, dataIn);
cl::make_kernel kernel_using_local(cl::Kernel(*program,"using_local", &error));
cl::EnqueueArgs eargs(queue,cl::NullRange ,cl::NDRange(gsize_x, gsize_y), 
          cl::NDRange(lsize_x, lsize_y));
kernel_using_local(eargs, cl_dataIn, cl_dataInLocal);

This should work. Some have the preference to do local initialisation in the kernel, but I prefer not to do this JIT.

This code might not work optimal if you have special tricks for handling the outer border. If you see any improvement, please share via the comments.

8 reasons why SPIR-V makes a big difference

From all the news that came out of GDC, I’m most eager to talk about SPIR-V. This intermediate language spir-vwill make a big difference for the compute-industry. In this article I’d like to explain why. If you need a technical explanation of what SPIR-V is, I suggest you first read gtruc’s article on SPIR-V and then return here to get an overview of the advantages.

Currently there are several shader and c ompute languages, which SPIR-V tries to replace/support. We have GLSL, HLSL for graphics shaders, SPIR (without the V), OpenCL, CUDA and many others for compute shaders.

If you have questions after reading this article, feel free to ask them in a comment or to us directly. Continue reading “8 reasons why SPIR-V makes a big difference”

CUDA Compute Capability 6.1 Features in OpenCL 2.0

On the CUDA page of Wikipedia there is a table with compute capabilities, as shown below. While double checking support for AMD Fijij GPUs (like Radeon Nano and FirePro S9300X2) I got curious how much support is still missing in OpenCL. For the support of Fiji it looks like there is 100% support of all features. For OpenCL 2.0 read on.

CUDA features per Compute Capability on Wikipedia

Continue reading “CUDA Compute Capability 6.1 Features in OpenCL 2.0”

Performance of 5 accelerators in 4 images

runningIf there would be one rule to get the best performance, then it’s avoiding data-transfers. Therefore it’s important to have lots of bandwidth and GFLOPS per processor, and not simply add up those numbers. Everybody who has worked with MPI, knows why: transferring data between processors can totally kill the performance. So the more is packed in one chip, the better the results.

In this short article, I would like to quickly give you an overview of the current state for bandwidth and performance. You would think the current generation accelerators is very close, but actually it is not.

The devices in the below images are AMD FirePro S9150 (16GB), NVidia Tesla K80 (1 GPU of the 2, 12GB), NVidia Tesla K40 (12GB), Intel XeonPhi 7120P (16GB) and Intel Xeon 2699 v3 (18 core CPU). I doubted about selecting a K40 or K80, as I wanted to focus on a single GPU only – so I took both. Dual-GPU cards have an advantage when it comes to power-consumption and physical space – both are not taken into consideration in this blog. Neither efficiency (actual performance compared to theoretical maximum) is included, as this also needs a broad explanation.

Each of these accelerators runs on X86-OpenMP and OpenCL

The numbers

The bandwidth and performance show where things stand: The XeonPhi and FirePro have the most bandwidth, and the FirePro is a staggering 70% to 100% faster than the rest on double precision GFLOPS.

Xeon Phi gets to 350 GB/s, followed by the FirePro with 320 GB/s and K40 with 288 GB/s. NVidia’s K80 is only as 240 GB/s, where DDR gets only 50 -60 GB/s.


The FirePro leaves the competition far behind with 2530 GFLOPS (Double Precision). The K40 and K80 get 1430 and 1450, followed by the CPU at 1324 and the Xeon Phi at 1208. Notice these are theoretical maximums and will be lower in real-world applications.


If you have OpenCL or OpenMP code, you can optimise your code for a new device in a short time. Yes, you should have written it in OpenCL or openMP, as now the competition can easily outperform you by selecting a better device.


Lowest prices in the Netherlands, at the moment of writing:

  • Intel Xeon 2699 v3: € 6,560.
  • Intel Xeon Phi 7120P + 16GB DDR4: € 3,350
  • NVidia Tesla K80: € 5,500 (€ 2,750 per GPU)
  • NVidia Tesla K40: € 4,070
  • AMD FirePro S9150: € 3,500

Some prices (like the K40) have one shop with a low price, where others are at least €200 more expensive.

Note: as the Xeon can have 1TB of memory, the “costs per GB/s” is only half the story. Currently the accelerators only have 16GB. Soon a 32GB FirePro will be available in the shops, the S9170, to move up in this space of memory hungry HPC applications.


Costs per GB/s
Where the four accelerators are around €11 per GB/s, the Xeon takes €131 (see note above). Note that the K40 with €14.13 is expensive compared to the other accelerators.


For raw GFLOPS the FirePro is the cheapest, followed by the K80, XeonPhi and then the K40. While the XeonPhi and K40 are twice as expensive as the FirePro, the Xeon is clearly the most expensive as it is 3.5 times as expensive as the FirePro.

If costs are an issue, then it really makes sense to invest some time in making your own Excel sheets for several devices and include costs for power usage.

Which to choose?

Based on the above numbers, the FirePro is the best choice. But your algorithm might simply work better on one of the others – we can help you by optimising your code and performing meaningful benchmarks.

Processors that can do 20+ GFLOPS per Watt (2012)

System for communicating power-efficiency of new equipment. “A” being best, “F” being worst. 2011-A is incomparable with 2012-A.

For yearly power-usage there is a rule-of-thumb which states that a device that is continuously on, costs the amount of Watt times 1.5 in Euro per year. So the computer in front of me, that takes around 107 Watt, costs me €160 a year if I would leave it on. A moderate cluster with several GPUs of a few hundred Watts each, would cost a few thousand Euros a year. I would say: very doable for most companies.

So why is the performance per Watt? There is more to a Watt than just the costs. The energy to cool a cluster is quite high, as most of the energy escapes via heat. And then there is the increase in demand for portable power. In cases you are thinking of sweeping you credit card for a top 10 supercomputer, then these energy-costs are extremely high.

In this article I try to get an overview of who is entering the 20+ GFLOPS/Watt area. All processors that do less than 20 GFLOPS/Watt, need to have other advantages to survive. And you’ll see that all the green processors are programmed with OpenCL, the technology StreamHPC is all about.

IMPORTANT: The total power used is sometimes including and sometimes excluding memory-transfers. So the comparison below IS NOT FAIR. The graphics cards are including memory-transfers, while the CPUs and SoCs are not.

Continue reading “Processors that can do 20+ GFLOPS per Watt (2012)”

Nordic/Scandinavian GPGPU-day on 29 September 2015

Scandinavian-GPGPUday-logoAfter two events in the Netherlands, the third GPGPU-day will be held in Copenhagen!

Speakers are researchers and companies from the Nordic and Scandinavian countries. If you’re interested in speaking at the conference, get in touch.

Date: 29 September 2015
Location: Copenhagen, DK
Venue: Danish Architecture Centre (route)
Price, early bird: €225
Price, student: €100
Price, normal: €275

The main goal is to connect GPGPU specialist and researchers from the Nordic countries. In the Netherlands, a small country of 17 million, this has helped a lot to interlink 13 research groups. The Scandinavian/Nordic countries have a combined population of 26 million, potentially having around 20 GPU-related research groups. We hope this event will help in starting several collaborations and with that more activity around GPGPU in the north of Europe.

Sponsor packages start at €500 including one ticket.

For an impression, see the below video.

Call for speakers

Are you are doing research using OpenCL or CUDA, and are situated in Denmark, Iceland, Norway, Sweden or Finland, you are invited to speak about your work in front of 60 to 70 people. We expect visitors from Germany and several other European countries too.

Time-slots are 25 minutes, with a maximum of 8 slots available.

Why should you attend?

  • Meet others in the parallel programming industry and research.
  • Learn about research that is done with GPUs today.
  • Find out if you can use GPUs for your own challenges.

See you in Copenhagen!

For more information, see the official page. For tickets, see below.

Beginner CUDA and OpenCL

In this training you learn to program GPUs, and how to select the algorithms that can best be tackled by a GPU.

Programming GPUs and vector-processors is difficult since it is different from normal ways of programming. It cannot be put simpler than this:

CPU-programming ≠ GPU-programming

But what is it exactly? It is thinking in a special way while programming, which you will learn during our trainings:

  • get lectures about the basics of GPU computing,
  • recognise which code can best be ported to the GPU,
  • learn how to design simple OpenCL or CUDA programs,
  • create your first GPU programs, and
  • integrate your GPU-program in C, C++, Java or Python.

The training is available as a 1-day or 2-day training, in OpenCL, CUDA or mixed flavour. The 1-day training is a crash-course, which gets you up-and-running with GPU-computing. For who like to take new material more relaxed, we also have a 2-day version of the training, with:

  • more time for discussions,
  • extra lab-sessions,
  • extra hardware discussions, and
  • extra slides with more in-dept material.

Costs are €500 per person per day. You get €100 discount per day, if you come by plane. Ask for our special prices for inhouse trainings.

The single-core, multi-core and many-core CPU

Multi-core CPU from 2011

CPUs are now split up in 3 types, depending on the number of cores: single (1), multi (2-8) and many (10+).

I find it more important now to split up into these three types, as the types of problems to be solved by each is very different. Based on the problem-differences I’m even expecting that the number of cores between multi-core CPUs and many-core CPUs will grow.

Below are the three types of CPUs discussed and a small discussion on many-core processors we see around. Continue reading “The single-core, multi-core and many-core CPU”

The OpenCL power: offloading to the CPU (AVX+SSE)

Say you have some data that needs to be used as input for a larger kernel, but needs a little preparation to get it aligned in memory (small kernel and random reads). Unluckily the efficiency of such kernel is very low and there is no speed-up or even a slowdown. When programming a GPU it is all about trade-offs, but one trade-off is forgotten a lot (especially by CUDA-programmers) once is decided to use accelerators: just use the CPU. Main problem is not the kernel that has been optimised for the GPU, but all supporting code (like the host-code) needs to be rewritten to be able to use the CPU.

Why use the CPU for vector-computations?

The CPU has support for computing vectors. Each core has a 256 bit wide vector computer. This mean a double4 (a vector of 4 times a 64-bit float) can be computed in one clock-cycle. So a 4-core CPU of 3.5GHz goes from 3.5 billion instructions to 14 billion when using all 4 cores, and to 56 billion instructions when using vectors. When using a float8, it doubles to 112 billion instructions. Using MAD-instructions (Multiply+Add), this can be doubled to even 224 billion instructions.

Say we have this CPU with 4 core and AVX/SSE, and the below code:

int* a = ...;
int* b = ...; 
for (int i = 0; i < M; i++)
   a[i] = b[i]*2;

How do you classify the accelerated version of above code? A parallel computation or a vector-computation? Is it is an operation using an M-wide vector or is it using M threads. The answer is both – vector-computations are a subset of parallel computations, so vector-computations can be run in parallel threads too. This is interesting, as this means the code can run on both the AVX as on the various codes.

If you have written the above code, you’d secretly hope the compiler finds out this automatically runs on all hyper-threaded cores and all vector-extensions it has. To have code made use of the separate cores, you have various options like normal threads or OpenMP/MPI. To make use of the vectors (which increases speed dramatically), you need to use vector-enhanced programming languages like OpenCL.

To learn more about the difference between vectors and parallel code, read the series on programming theories, read my first article on OpenCL-CPU, look around at this site (over 100 articles and a growing knowledge-section), ask us a direct question, use the comments, or help make this blog tick: request a full training and/or code-review.

Continue reading “The OpenCL power: offloading to the CPU (AVX+SSE)”

Apple Metal versus Vulkan + OpenCL 2.2

Metal – Apple’s me-too™ language

Update: C++ has been moved from OpenCL 2.1 to 2.2, being released in 2017. Title and text have been updated to reflect this. A reason why Apple released Metal might be the reason that Khronos was too slow in releasing C++ kernels into OpenCL, given the delays.

Apple Metal in one sentence: one queue for both OpenCL and OpenGL, using C++11. They now brought it to OSX. The detail they don’t tell: that’s exactly what the combination of Vulkan + OpenCL 2.1 2.2 does. Instead it is compared with OpenCL 1.x + OpenGL 4.x, which it certainly can compete with, as that combination doesn’t have C++11 kernels nor a single queue.

Apple Metal on OSX – a little too late, bringing nothing new to the stage, compared to SPIR and OpenCL 2.1 2.2.

The main reason why they can’t compete with the standards, is that there is an urge to create high-level languages and DSLs on top of lower-level languages. What Apple did, was to create just one and leaving out the rest. This means that languages like SYCL and C++AMP (implemented on top of SPIR-V) can’t simply run on OSX, and thus blocking new innovations. To understand why SPIR-V is so important and Apple should adopt for that road, read this article on SPIR-V.

Metal could compile to SPIR-V, just like OpenCL-C++ does. The rest of the Metal API is just like Vulkan.

Yet another vendor lock-in?

Now Khronos is switching its two most important APIs to the next level, there is a short-term void. This is clearly the right moment for Apple to take the risk and trying to get developers interested in their new language. If they succeed, then we get the well-known “pffff, I have no time to port it to other platforms” and there is a win for Apple’s platforms (they hope).

Apple has always wanted to have a different way of interacting with OpenCL-kernels using Grand Central Dispatch. Porting OpenCL between Linux and Windows is a breeze, but from and to OSX is not. Discussions over the past years with many people from the industry thought me one thing: Apple is like Google, Microsoft and NVidia – they don’t really want standards, but want 100% dedicated developers for their languages.

Yes, now also Apple is on the list of Me-too™ languages for OpenCL. We at StreamHPC can easily translate your code from and too Metal, but we would like it that you can put your investments in more important matters like improving the algorithms and performance.

Still OpenCL support on OSX?

Yes, but only OpenCL 1.2. A way to work around is to use SPIR-to-Metal translators and a wrapper from Vulkan to Metal – this will not make it very convenient though. The way to go, is that everybody starts asking for OpenCL 2.0 support on OSX forums. Metal is a great API, but that doesn’t change the fact it’s obstructing standardisation of likewise great, open standards. If they provide both Metal and Vulkan+OpenCL 2.1 2.2 then I am happy – then the developers have the choice.

Metal debuts in “OSX El Capitan”, which is available per today to developers, and this fall to the general public.

Dear Linux-users, during the transition period for FGLRX to AMDGPU/ROCm there’s no kernel 4.4 or Xorg 1.18 support

GLXgearsThe information you find everywhere: on Linux the current “radeon” and “fglrx” are being replaced by AMDGPU (graphics) and ROCm (compute) for HSA-enabled GPUs. As the whole AMD Linux driver team is seemingly working on getting the new and open source drivers ready, fglrx is now deprecated and will not get updates (or very late). I therefore can get to the point:

When using fglrx on Linux, don’t upgrade to Linux distributions with a kernel later than 4.2 or Xorg server versions beyond 1.17!

For Ubuntu this means no 14.04.5 or 16.04 or later. When you have 14.04.4, the kernel will not upgrade when you go to 14.04.5. CentOS/RedHat has such old kernels, there currently is no issue. Fedora users simply have a problem, as they already go towards 4.8.

Continue reading “Dear Linux-users, during the transition period for FGLRX to AMDGPU/ROCm there’s no kernel 4.4 or Xorg 1.18 support”

Funded PhD internships at StreamHPC

We have several wishes for 2017 and two of them are to make code for the open source community. Luckily HiPEAC is interested in more collaboration between academia and industry and therefore funds PhD internships. There are 81 industrial PhD internships available and two are at StreamHPC.

What is this industrial PhD internship, you may ask? From the HiPEAC homepage:

The HiPEAC Industrial PhD Internship Programme offers PhD students a unique opportunity to experience the industrial research environment and to work on R&D projects solving real problems. To date the internship programme has resulted in several joint paper publications, patent applications and many students have been hired by the companies after completion of their PhDs.


The internships cover a 3-month period. Students should indicate when they will be available for an internship during 2016. When you apply for one of the internships, you must update your profile page including a link to your CV (preferably in PDF format).

Every intern receives €55 per day (€5000 for 3 months) + travel expenses (maximum €500). The main goal is to gain experience. Even if you don’t get a job after the internship, you tap into our network.

Continue reading “Funded PhD internships at StreamHPC”

Nokia Maemo and OpenCL

Update 21-06-2011: Bumped into a project by Nokia: CLEP, “OpenCL Embedded Profile” for the N900.

Maemo is the Debian based Linux-distribution of Nokia for embedded devices. It is on the gadget N900, so you can be root on your own phone and compile your own kernel. In other words: a great developer’s phone.

Which smartphone to buy when you want to toy around with OpenCL “Embedded Profile”? There is more and more evidence that the next iPhone OS will have support for OpenCL, as should be expected Apple being the trademark-owner of OpenCL. This is good, since the mobile market could make the difference for the technique – competing with CUDA and DirectCompute. “The other ARM Cortex-A8 smartphone”, the Nokia N900 does not support it, while the magic of OpenCL attracts to many developers on the Maemo-forums.

The QT-blog that disclosed coming OpenCL-support for QT, spoke about it too:

>>Right now, QtOpenCL works very well with desktop OpenCL implementations, like that from NVIDIA (we’ve tested it under Linux, Mac, and Windows). Embedded devices are currently another matter – OpenCL implementations are still very basic in that space.  The performance improvements on embedded CPU’s are only slightly better than using ARM/NEON instructions for example.  And embedded GPU’s are usually hard-wired for GLSL/ES, lacking many of the features that makes OpenCL really sing.  But like everything in the embedded space, things are likely to change very quickly. By releasing QtOpenCL, hopefully we can stimulate the embedded vendors to accelerate development by giving them something to test with. Be the first embedded device on the block to get the mandelbrot demo running at 10fps, or 20fps, or 60fps!<<

But checking the whole Nokia QT/Maemo-SDK for something like “opencl.h” or words like “opencl” and “khronos” in .h-files did not return anything interesting. The missing reference in the SDK tells me, we cannot expect any OpenCL-implementation on the N900 soon. So do we have to wait for the Nokia N920, Maemo 6 and QT 4.8? Once I know more, by getting deeper into the SDK, you’re the first to know. But first let me show you the documents which tells us OpenCL is coming to the Maemo-platform.

The Maemo Base Port Document, version 1.1

Exhibit number 1. The introduction tells us that the document describes what hardware-designers should do to get Maemo working on their device:

>>When Maemo is ported to a new chipset and HW environment, the majority of the SW worktakes place in the base layer. However, some adjustments may also be needed in the otherlayers. The porting work as a whole is a combined effort by the chipset vendor and Nokia. Thisdocument describes the deliverables expected from the chipset vendor in such an effort. The requirements in this document are expressed in the form of SW component, interface andfunctional requirements. Note that in many cases more detailed discussions are neededbetween Nokia and the chipset vendor to reach a common understanding about the specificsof the system architecture and the required component versions, functionality and interfaces.<<

So the document describes what the hardware must support, to be able to run Maemo. Let’s then find the magic word “OpenCL”:

>>Graphics Adaptation. The Base Port graphics adaptation interfaces consist of X11, OpenGL ES, and OpenVG interfaces. The OpenCL interface is also included in this group since it typically is used to access the GPU for general-purpose parallel computation.<<

And somewhat below:

>>OpenCL 1. The Base Port should provide an implementation of the OpenCL 1.0 interface for general-purpose parallel programming of heterogeneous systems, especially for the use of GPUs for computation (Khronos group standard).<<

That seems to be pretty clear that Maemo-devices must be able to support OpenCL.

Paper “OpenCL on Embedded devices” by Nokia

Exhibit 2 shows tests of a few simple OpenCL-program on an unnamed device with a TI OMAP 3430 (550 MHz ARM Cortex-A8 CPU & 110 MHz POWERVR SGX530 GPU) – which happens to be in the Motorola Droid, Palm Pre, and Nokia N900. So they managed to create a OpenCL-implementation on ARM. If you’re interested in OpenCL for embedded devices, please do read this presentation:

It is a document from august 2009, which shows they actually were trying POWERVR and OpenCL then. Now with QT and Maemo mentioning it, we can be very sure the N900 or the N920 is eventually going to have OpenCL-support.

NVIDIA enables OpenCL 2.0 beta-support

In the release notes for NVIDIA 378.66 graphics drivers for Windows NVIDIA mentions support for OpenCL 2.0. This has been the first time in 3 years since OpenCL 2.0 has been launched, that they publicly speak about supporting it. Several 2.0 functions had silently been added to the driver on customer request, but these additions never got any reference in release notes and were therefore officially unofficial.

You should know that only on 3 April 2015 NVIDIA finally started supporting OpenCL 1.2 on their GPUs based on Kepler and newer architectures. OpenCL 2.0 was already there for one and a half years (November 2013), now more than three years ago.

Does it mean that you will be soon able to run OpenCL 2.0 kernels on your newly bought Titan X? Yes and no. Read on to find out about the new advantages and the limitations of the beta-support.

Update: We tested NVIDIA drivers on Linux too. Read it here.

Continue reading “NVIDIA enables OpenCL 2.0 beta-support”

PDFs of Monday 16 April

By exception, another PDF-Monday.

OpenCL vs. OpenMP: A Programmability Debate. The one moment OpenCL and the other mom ent OpenMP produces faster code. From the conclusion: “OpenMP is more productive, while OpenCL is portable for a larger class of devices. Performance-wise, we have found a large variety of ratios between the two solutions, depending on the application, dataset sizes, compilers, and architectures.”

Improving Performance of OpenCL on CPUs. Focusing on how to optimise OpenCL. From the abstract: “First, we present a static analysis and an accompanying optimization to exclude code regions from control-flow to data-flow conversion, which is the commonly used technique to leverage vector instruction sets. Second, we present a novel technique to implement barrier synchronization.”

Variants of Mersenne Twister Suitable for Graphic Processors. Source-code at

Accelerating the FFTD method using SSE and GPUs. “The Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) method is a computational technique for modelling the behaviour of electromagnetic waves in 3D space”. This is a project-plan, but describes the theories pretty well. Continue reading “PDFs of Monday 16 April”

Do you have our GPU DNA?

This is the first question to warm up. Python-programmers are often users of GPU-libraries, not the builders of those libraries.

In January 2019 I gave a talk about culture in the company, which I wanted to share with you. It was intended to trigger discussions on what environment fits somebody, and examples were given on other companies. The nice part was that it became more clear that the culture of a company like CodePlay was very alike, except they are working on different things (compilers). Same for departments of larger companies we work with or know well.

Important: all answered are based on what my colleagues answered. So most of us are cat-people, but I wouldn’t say that defines a GPU-developer. I hope it still gives you an understanding of our perspective on what defines a GPU-dev in just a few minutes, while it also gives you more than enough matter to think about.

Continue reading “Do you have our GPU DNA?”

video: OpenCL on Android

Michael-Leahy-talk-videoMichael Leahy spoke on AnDevCon’13 about OpenCL on Android. Enjoy the overview!

Subjects (globally):

  • What is OpenCL
  • 13 dwarfs
  • RenderScript
  • Demo

Mr.Leahy is quite critical about Google’s recent decisions to try to block OpenCL in favour of their own proprietary RenderScript Compute (now mostly referred to as just “RenderScript” as they failed on pushing twin “RenderScript Graphics”, now replaced with OpenGL).

Around March ’13 I submitted a proposal to speak about OpenCL on Android at AnDevCon in November shortly after the “hidden” OpenCL driver was found on the N4 / N10. This was the first time I covered this material, so I didn’t have a complete idea on how long it would take, but the AnDevCon limit was ~70 mins. This talk was supposed to be 50 minutes, but I spoke for 80 minutes. Since this was the last presentation of the conference and those in attendance were interested enough in the material I was lucky to captivate the audience that long!

I was a little concerned about taking a critical opinion toward Google given how many folks think they can create nothing but gold. Afterward I recall some folks from the audience mentioning I bashed Google a bit, but this really is justified in the case of suppression of OpenCL, a widely supported open standard, on Android. In particular last week I eventually got into a little discussion on G+ with Stephen Hines of the Renderscript team who is behind most of the FUD being publicly spread by Google regarding OpenCL. One can see that this misinformation continues to be spread toward the end of this recent G+ post where he commented and then failed to follow up after I posted my perspective:

And that’s how I got in contact with Micheal: we both are irritated by Google’s actions against our favourite open standards. Microsoft has long learned that you should not block, only favour. But Google lacks the experience and believes they’re above the rules of survival.

Apparently he can dish out FUD, but can’t be bothered to answer challenges to the misinformation presented. Mr. Hines is also the one behind shutting down commentary on the Android issue tracker regarding the larger developer communities ability to express their interest in OpenCL on Android.

Regarding a correction. At the time of the presentation given the information at the time I mentioned that Renderscript is using OpenCL for GPU compute aspects. This was true for the Nexus 4 and 10 for Android 4.2 and likely 4.3; in particular the Nexus 10 using the Mali GPU from Arm. The N4 & N10 were initially using OpenCL for GPU compute aspects for Renderscript. Since then Google has been getting various GPU manufacturers to make a Renderscript driver that doesn’t utilize OpenCL for GPU compute aspects.

I hope you like the video and also understand why it remains important we keep the discussion on Google + OpenCL active. We must remain focused on the long-term and not simply accept on what others decide for us.

AMD gets into Machine Intelligence with “MI” range of hardware and software

Always good to have a share out of that curve.

In June we wrote on “AMD is back!“, where this is one of the blog posts with more details in a specific direction. This post is about AMD specifically targeting machine learning with the MI ( = Machine Intelligence) range of hardware and software.

With all the news around AMD’s new processors Ryzen (CPU) and VEGA (GPU), it became apparent that AMD wants a good share of the Deep Learning market.

And they seem to succeed. Here is the current status.

Hardware: 25 TFLOPS @ 16-bit

Recently released have been the “Radeon Instinct” series, which purely focus on compute. How the new naming of AMD is organised will be discussed in a separate blog post. Continue reading “AMD gets into Machine Intelligence with “MI” range of hardware and software”

Installing and using Portable Computing Language (PoCL)

PoCL, a perfect companion for Portable Apps?

Update August’13: 0.8 has been released

PoCL stands for Portable Portable Computing Language and the goal is to make a full and open source implementation of OpenCL 1.2 for LLVM.

This is about installing and using PoCL on Ubuntu 64. If you want to put some effort to build it on Windows, you will certainly help the project. See also this TODO for version 0.8, if you want to help out (or want to know its current state). Not all functionality is implemented, but the project progresses using test-driven development – using the samples in the SDKs as a base.


They are eager for collaboration, so new backends can be added. For what I’ve seen this project is one of the best starts for new OpenCL-drivers. First because of the work that already has been done (implement by example), second because it’s an active open source project (continuous post-development), third because of the MIT-license (permits reuse within proprietary software). Here at StreamHPC we keep a close eye on the project.

On a normal desktop it has only one device and that’s the CPU. It has backends for several other types of CPUs (check ./lib/kernel in the source):

  • ARM
  • Cell SPU
  • Powerpc
  • Powerpc64
  • x86_64

Also the TCE libraries can be used as backend. The maturity of each backend differs.

More support is coming. For instance Radeon via the R600 project, but PoCL first needs to support LLVM 3.3 for that.

It is also a good start to build drivers for your own processor (contact us for letting us assist you in building such backend, see Supporting OpenCL on your own hardware for some related info)

Continue reading “Installing and using Portable Computing Language (PoCL)”

Work we do

We help our customers get faster, more responsive and/or more precise software. But what does that mean? What is it what we do here in Amsterdam?

Our work is under NDA for a large part, so unfortunately we cannot share all details of all the work we’re very proud of.

Below is a selection of blog posts discussing our demos and Github-links showing our work and open-source software.


Note that various GPU and CPU code does contain low-level code like PTX, AMDIL and Assembly, but is minimal and only used by exception.

Using accelerated code, visually exaggerated
  • Porting GROMACS, OpenMM, AMBER and more (active project) to supercomputers running AMD MI100 GPUs. While we were busy, we optimized some code that also runs faster on Nvidia GPUs, so the comparisons between Nvidia and AMD would be fair. If you run one of these on your local supercomputer – you’re welcome.
  • Building the Khronos OpenCL SDK [OpenCL, C, C++]. To be published.
  • Speeding up pyPasWAS 3-5x [C, Python, OpenCL]. We claimed that we could speed up this open-source software to do DNA/RNA/protein sequence alignment and trimming, and so we did.
  • Building multiple libraries for AMD GPUs. Several foundational libraries on ROCm Github were built by us, and we still maintain.
    • rocRAND [HIP, C++]. The world’s fastest random number generator (or second, depending on Nvidia’s response) is built for AMD GPUs, and it’s open source. With random numbers generated at several hundreds of gigabytes per second, the library makes it possible to speed up existing code numerous times. The code is often faster than Nvidia’s cuRAND and is therefore the preferred library to be used on any high-end GPU.
    • rocThrust – AMD’s optimized version of Thrust [HIP, C++]. Highly optimized for CDNA GPUs. Lots of software for CUDA is Thrust based, and now has no lock-in anymore.
    • hipCUB – AMD’s optimized version of CUB [HIP, C++]. Highly optimized for CDNA GPUs. Now porting CUB-based software to AMD is a lot simpler. Both rocThrust and hipCUB share a library rocPRIM which unites many of the GPU-primitives.
  • Porting Gromacs from CUDA to OpenCL [CUDA, OpenCL, C, C++]. Until we ported the simulation software end of 2014, it has been CUDA-only. Porting took several man-months to manually port all code. You can now download the source, build it and run it on AMD/Intel hardware – see here for more info. All is open source, so you can see our code.
  • Porting Manchester’s UNIFAC to OpenCL@XeonPhi [OpenCL, C++, MPI]. Even though XeonPhi Knights Corner is not a very performant accelerator, we managed to get a 160x speedup from single threaded code. Most of the speedup is due to clever code-optimizations and less due to low-level optimizations.
  • Porting a set of ADSL-algorithms to an embedded special purpose GPU [OpenCL, C, C++]. Allowing central ADSL-routers in large buildings to handle modern ADSL-protocols.
  • Optimizing and extending the main image processing framework of a large photo hosting platform [CUDA, C++].
  • Flooding simulation [OpenCL, C++, MPI]. Software that simulates flooding of land, which we ported to multi-GPU on OpenCL and got a 35x speedup over MPI.


  • Cartoonizer. The webcam or video stream is “cartoonized” using several image filters on an FPGA using OpenCL.
  • Android video filter demo. Real-time Android-app, where the webcam stream has several real-time OpenGL filters applied to make it look like an old movie. This was a proof-of-concept to show we could apply our knowledge to Android and OpenGL.
  • Speeding up Excel. A heavy financial algorithm is offloaded to a GPU, resulting in a big speedups. Most Excel-sheets are slow because they’re bigger than where Excel was designed for, so unfortunately offloading does often not work when Excel gets really too slow.

Do you need a secret weapon too? We like to work together with you, to build fast software together. Get in touch to discuss your needs and goals.

GPUDirect and DirectGMA – direct GPU-GPU communication via RDMA

In contrary to what you see around (on slides like these), AMD and Intel also have support for RDMA.

A while ago I found the slide at the right, claiming that AMD did not have any direct GPU-GPU communication. I found at several sources there was, but it seems not to be a well-known feature. The feature is known as SDI (mostly on network-cards, SSDs and FPGAs), but not much information is found on PCI+SDI. More often RDMA is used: Remote Direct Memory Access (wikipedia).

Questions I try to answer:

  • Which server-grade GPUs support direct GPU-GPU communication when using OpenCL?
  • What are other characteristics interesting for OpenCL-devs besides direct communication GPU-GPU, GPU-FPGA, GPU-NIC?
  • How do you code such fast communication?

Enjoy reading! Continue reading “GPUDirect and DirectGMA – direct GPU-GPU communication via RDMA”