This article will be of interest if you don’t want to read the whole new specifications [PDF] for OpenCL 1.2.
As always, feedback will be much appreciated.
After many meetings with the many members of the OpenCL task force, a lot of ideas sprouted. And every 17 or 18 months a new version comes out of OpenCL to give form to all these ideas. You can see totally new ideas coming up and already brought outside in another product by a member. You can also see ideas not appearing at all as other members voted against them. The last category is very interesting and hopefully we’ll see a lot of forum-discussion soon what should be in the next version, as it is missing now.
With the release of 1.2 there was also announced that (at least) two task forces will be erected. One of them will target integration in high-level programming languages, which tells me that phase 1 of creating the standard is complete and we can expect to go for OpenCL 2.0. I will discuss these phases in a follow-up and what you as a user, programmer or customer, can expect… and how you can act on it.
Another big announcement was that Altera is starting to support OpenCL for a FPGA-product. In another article I will let you know everything there is to know. For now, let’s concentrate on the actual differences in this version software-wise, and what you can do with it. I have added links to the 1.1 and 1.2 man-pages, so you can look it up.