First Khronos Chapter meeting in Amsterdam: WebGL/OpenGL


Thursday 13 February 2014 the first Khronos meetup in will take place. We expect a small group, so the location will be cozy and there will be enough time to talk with a beer. First round is on me, admission is free.

Goal is to learn about open media-standards from Khronos and others. So when OpenCV is discussed, we’ll also talk OpenVX. The target group is programmers and Indy developers who are interested in creating multi-OS and multi-device software.


I am very thrilled to tell that Ton Roosendaal of the Blender Foundation will talk about the releationship between his Blender and Khronos OpenGL.

Second Maarten and Jurjen of ThreeDee Media will talk about WebGL, from a technical and a market view. Is WebGL ready for prime-time?

Then you can show your stuff. For that I’ll bring a good laptop with Windows 8.1 and Ubuntu 13.10 64.

Prepare for Meetup today!

See the Meetup-page for more information. See you there!




PDFs of Monday 5 September

Live from le Centre Pompidou in Paris: Monday PDF-day. I have never been inside the building, but it is a large public library where people are queueing to get in – no end to the knowledge-economy in Paris. A great place to read some interesting articles on the subjects I like.

CUDA-accelerated genetic feedforward-ANN training for data mining (Catalin Patulea, Robert Peace and James Green). Since I have some background on Neural Networks, I really liked this article.

Self-proclaimed State-of-the-art in Heterogeneous Computing (Andre R. Brodtkorb a , Christopher Dyken, Trond R. Hagen, Jon M. Hjelmervik, and Olaf O. Storaasli). It is from 2010, but just got thrown on the net. I think it is a must-read on Cell, GPU and FPGA architectures, even though (as also remarked by others) Cell is not so state-of-the-art any more.

OpenCL: A Parallel Programming Standard for Heterogeneous Computing Systems (John E. Stone, David Gohara, and Guochun Shi). A basic and clear introduction to my favourite parallel programming language.

Research proposal: Heterogeneity and Reconfigurability as Key Enablers for Energy Efficient Computing. About increasing energy efficiency with GPUs and FPGAs.

Design and Performance of the OP2 Library for Unstructured Mesh Applications. CoreGRID presentation/workshop on OP2, an open-source parallel library for unstructured grid computations.

Design Exploration of Quadrature Methods in Option Pricing (Anson H. T. Tse, David Thomas, and Wayne Luk). Accelerating specific option pricing with CUDA. Conclusion: FPGA has the least Watt per FLOPS, CUDA is the fastest, and CPU is the big loser in this comparison. Must be mentioned that GPUs are easier to program than FPGAs.

Technologies for the future HPC systems. Presentation on how HPC company Bull sees the (near) future.

Accelerating Protein Sequence Search in a Heterogeneous Computing System (Shucai Xiao, Heshan Lin, and Wu-chun Feng). Accelerating the Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) on GPUs.

PTask: Operating System Abstractions To Manage GPUs as Compute Devices (Christopher J. Rossbach, Jon Currey, Mark Silberstein, Baishakhi Ray, and Emmett Witchel). MS research on how to abstract GPUs as compute devices. Implemented on Windows 7 and Linux, but code is not available.

PhD thesis by Celina Berg: Building a Foundation for the Future of Software Practices within the Multi-Core Domain. It is about a Rupture-model described at Ch.2.2.2 (PDF-page 59). [total 205 pages].

Workload Balancing on Heterogeneous Systems: A Case Study of Sparse Grid Interpolation (Alin Murarasu, Josef Weidendorfer, and Arndt Bodes). To my opinion a very important subject as this can help automate much-needed “hardware-fitting”.

Fraunhofer: Efficient AMG on Heterogeneous Systems (Jiri Kraus and Malte Förster). AMG stands for Algebraic MultiGrid method. Paper includes OpenCL and CUDA benchmarks for NVidia hardware.

Enabling Traceability in MDE to Improve Performance of GPU Applications (Antonio Wendell de O. Rodrigues, Vincent Aranega, Anne Etien, Frédéric Guyomarc’h, Jean-Luc Dekeyser). Ongoing work on OpenCL code generation from UML (Model Driven Design). [34 pag PDF]

GPU-Accelerated DNA Distance Matrix Computation (Zhi Ying, Xinhua Lin, Simon Chong-Wee See and Minglu Li). DNA sequences distance computation: [PDF] #OpenCL #GPGPU #Biology

And while browsing around for PDFs I found the following interesting links:

  • Say bye to Von Neumann. Or how IBM’s Cognitive Computer Works.
  • Workshop on HPC and Free Software. 5-7 October 2011, Ourense, Spain. Info via
  • Basic CUDA course, 10 October, Delft, Netherlands, €200,-.
  • Par4All: automatic parallelizing and optimizing compiler for C and Fortran sequential programs.
  • LAMA: Library for Accelerated Math Applications for C/C++.

Improving FinanceBench for GPUs Part II – low hanging fruit

We found a finance benchmark for GPUs and wanted to show we could speed its algorithms up. Like a lot!

Following the initial work done in porting the CUDA code to HIP (follow article link here), significant progress was made in tackling the low hanging fruits in the kernels and tackling any potential structural problems outside of the kernel.

Additionally, since the last article, we’ve been in touch with the authors of the original repository. They’ve even invited us to update their repository too. For now it will be on our repository only. We also learnt that the group’s lead, professor John Cavazos, passed away 2 years ago. We hope he would have liked that his work has been revived.

Link to the paper is here:

Scott Grauer-Gray, William Killian, Robert Searles, and John Cavazos. 2013. Accelerating financial applications on the GPU. In Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on General Purpose Processor Using Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU-6). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 127–136. DOI:

Improving the basics

We could have chosen to rewrite the algorithms from scratch, but first we need to understand the algorithms better. Also, with the existing GPU-code we can quickly assess what are the problems of the algorithm, and see if we can get to high performance without too much effort. In this blog we show these steps.

Continue reading “Improving FinanceBench for GPUs Part II – low hanging fruit”

Intel’s answer to AMD and NVIDIA: the XEON Phi 5110P

NOTE: there are many contradicting sources out there, so there are mistakes in this article. Please give me feedback via twitter, mail or comments, so all the info can be completed.

Yes, another post in the answer-to series. At SC12 Intel tries to steal away the show from the Tesla K20 and FirePro S10000.

After two years of waiting Intel finally comes with an accelerator-card: the Xeon Phi. Compare it if NVIDIA would have skipped the GTX 200 series and now has presented the GTX 500 series. Or maybe even the GTX 600 series – we cannot tell yet.

The Phi is not a compute-card as we know it. As you cannot do a 1-to-1 comparison between AMD GCN architecture and NVIDIA Kepler, neither can be easily compared to the Phi. But this article should give an idea on where it is positioned.

Continue reading “Intel’s answer to AMD and NVIDIA: the XEON Phi 5110P”

Our training concepts for GPGPU

It’s almost time for more nerdy stuff we have in the pipe-line, but we’ll keep for some superficial blah for a moment. We concentrate on training (and consultancy). There is a lot of discussion here about “how to design training-programs about difficult concepts for technical people”, or better: “how to learn yourself something difficult”. At the end of this blog, we’ll show you a list how to learn OpenCL yourself, but before that we want to share how we look at training you.

Disclaimer: this blog item is positive about our own training-program for obvious reasons. We are aware people don’t want (too much) spam, so we’ll keep this kind of blogs to the minimum. If you want to tell the world that your training-program is better, first mail us for our international partner-program. If you want the training, come back on 14 June or mail us.

OpenCL and CUDA are not the easiest programming languages due to incomparable concepts in software-land (You can claim Java is “slightly” different). Can the usual ways of training give you the insights and facts you need to know?

Current programs

Most training-programs are vendor-supported. People who follow us on Twitter, know we are not the best supporters of vendor locked products. So lets get a list of a typical vendor-supported training-programs, I would like to talk about:

  • They have to be difficult, so the student accomplishes something.
  • The exam are expensive to demotivate trial-on-error-students.
  • You get an official certificate, which guarantees a income-raise.
  • Books and trainings focus on facts you must learn.
  • It’s very clear what you must learn and what you can skip.

So in short, you chose you wanted to know the material and put a lot of effort in it. You get back more than just the knowledge.

Say you get the opposite:

  • They are easy to accomplish.
  • Exams is an assignment which you only need to finish. You can try endless times.
  • You don’t get a certificate, but you might get feedback and homework for self-study.
  • You get a list of facts you must learn; the concepts are explained to support this.
  • You are free to pick which subject you like.

That sucks! You cannot brag about your accomplishments and after the training you still cannot do anything with it; it will probably take years to actually  finish it. So actually it’s very clear why the programs are like this, or can we learn from this opposing list? Just like with everything else, you never have to just copy what’s available but pick out the good parts.

Learning GPGPU

If you want to learn GPGPU, you have to learn (in short) shader-concepts, OpenCL, CUDA and GPU-architectures. What would be needed to learn it, according to us?

  • A specified list of  subjects you can check when understood.
  • An insight story of the underlying concepts to better understand the way stream-computing works. Concepts are the base of everything, to actually make it sound simple.
  • Very practical know-how. Such as how to integrate stream-computing-code into your current software.
  • A difficult assignment that gets you in touch with everything you learned. The training gave you the instruments you need to accomplish this step.

So there’s no exam and no certificate; these are secondary reasons for finishing the course. The focus should be getting the brain wrapped around the concepts and getting experience. As the disclaimer warned you, our training-program has a high focus on getting you up-and-running in one day. And you do get a certificate after your assignment gets approved, so bragging is easy.

If you want to learn stream-computing and you won’t use our training-program, what then?

  • Read our blog (RSS) and follow us on Twitter.
  • Make yourself a list of subjects you think you have to learn. Thinking before doing helps in getting a focus.
  • Buy a book. There are many.
  • Play around with existing examples. Try to break it. Example: what happens if the kernel uses more and more local/private memory.
  • Update the list of subjects; the more extensive, the better. Prioritise.
  • Find yourself an assignment. For example: try to compress or decompress a large JPG using OpenCL. If you succeed, get yourself a harder assignment. Do you want to be good or the best?

If you know OpenCL, CUDA is easy to learn! We will have some blogs which support your quest on learning OpenCL, so just start to dig in today and see you next time.

nVidia’s CUDA vs OpenCL Marketing

Please read this article about Microsoft and OpenCL, before reading on. The requested benchmarking is done by the people of Unigine have some results on differences between the three big GPGPU-APIs: part I, part II and part III with some typical results.
The following read is not about the technical differences of the 3 APIs, but more about the reason behind why alternate APIs are being kept maintained while OpenCL does the trick. Please comment, if you think OpenCL doesn’t do the trick

As was described in the article, it is important for big companies (such as Microsoft and nVidia) to defend their market-share. This protection is not provided through an open standard like OpenCL. As it went with OpenGL  – which was sort of replaced by DirectX to gain market-share for Windows – now nVidia does the same with CUDA. First we will sum up the many ways nVidia markets Cuda and then we discuss the situation.

The way nVidia wanted to play the game, was soon very clear: it wanted to market CUDA to be seen as the better alternative for OpenCL. And it is doing a very good job.

The best way to get better acceptance is giving away free information, such as articles and courses. See Cuda’s university courses as an example. Also sponsoring helps a lot, so the first main-stream oriented books about GPGPU discussed Cuda in the first place and interesting conferences were always supported by Cuda’s owner. Furthermore loads of money is put into an expensive webpage with very complete information about GPGPU there is to find. nVidia does give a choice, by also having implemented OpenCL in its drivers – it does just not have big pages on how-to-learn-OpenCL.

AMD – having spent their money on buying ATI, could not put this much effort in the “war” and had to go for OpenCL. You have to know, AMD has faster graphics-cards for lower prices than nVidia at the moment; so based on that, they could become the winners on GPGPU (if that was to only thing to do). Intel saw the light too late and is even postponing their High-end GPU, the Larrabee. The only help for them is that Apple demands to have OpenCL on nVidia’s drivers – but for how long? Apple does not want strict dependency on nVidia, since it i.e. also has a mobile market. But what if all Apple-developers create their applications on CUDA?

Most developers – helped by the money&support of nVidia – see that there is just little difference between Cuda and OpenCL and in case of a changing market they could translate their programs from one to the other. For now a demand to have a high-end videocard of nVidia can be rectified, a card which actually many people have or easily could buy within the budget of their current project. The difference between Cuda and OpenCL is comparable with C# and Java – the corporate tactics are also the same. Possibly nVidia will have better driver-support for Cuda than OpenCL and since Cuda does not work on AMD-cards, the conclusion is that Cuda is faster. There can then be a situation that AMD and Intel have to buy Cuda-patents, since OpenCL does not have the support.

We hope that OpenCL will stay the main-stream GPGPU-API, so the battle will be on hardware/drivers and support of higher-level programming-languages. We do really appreciate what nVidia already has done for the GPGPU-industry, but we hope they will solely embrace OpenCL for the sake of the long-term market-development.

What we left out of this discussion is Microsoft’s DirectCompute. It will be used by game-developers in the Windows-platform, which just need physics-calculations. When discussing the game-industry, we will tell more about Microsoft’s DirectX-extension.
Also come back and read our upcoming article about FPGAs + OpenCL, a combination from which we expect a lot.

Market Positioning of Graphics and Compute solutions

positioningWhen compute became possible on GPUs, it was first presented as an extra feature and did not change much to the positioning of the products by AMD/ATI and Nvidia. NVidia started with positioning server-compute (described as “the GPU without a monitor-connector”), where AMD and Intel followed. When the expensive Geforce GTX Titan and Titan Z got introduced it became clear that NVidia still thinks about positioning: Titan is the bridge between Geforce and Tesla, a Tesla with video-out.

Why is positioning important? It is the difference between “I’d like to buy a compute-card for my desktop, so I can develop algorithms that run as well on the compute-server” and “I’d like to buy a graphics card for doing computations and later run that on a passively cooled graphics card”. The second version might get a “you don’t want to do that”, as graphics terminology is used to refer to compute-goals.

Let’s get to the overview.

Desktop User * A-series APU  – Iris / Iris Pro  –
Laptop User * A-series APU  – Iris / Iris Pro  –
Mobile User  – Tegra Iris Mali T720 / T4xx
Desktop Gamer Radeon GeForce  –  –
Laptop Gamer Radeon M GeForce M  –  –
Mobile High-end  – Tegra K (?) Iris Pro Mali T760 / T6xx
Desktop Graphics FirePro W Quadro  –  –
Laptop Graphics FirePro M Quadro M  –  –
Desktop (DP) Compute FirePro W Titan (hdmi) / Tesla (no video-out) XeonPhi  –
Laptop (DP) Compute FirePro M Quadro M XeonPhi  –
Server (DP) Compute FirePro S Tesla XeonPhi (active cooling!)  –
Cloud Sky Grid  –  –

* = For people who say “I think my computer doesn’t have a GPU”.

My thoughts are that Titan are to promote compute at the desktop, while also Tesla is promoted for that. AMD has the FirePro W for that, for both Graphics professionals and Compute professionals, to serve all customers. Intel uses XeonPhi for anything compute and it’s is all actively cooled.

The table has some empty spots: Nvidia doesn’t have IGP, AMD doesn’t have mobile graphics and Intel doesn’t have a clear message at all (J, N, X, P, K mixed for all types of markets). Mobile GPUs from ARM, Imagination, Qualcomm and others have a clear message to differentiate between high-end and low-end mobile GPUs, whereas NVidia and Intel don’t.

Positioning of the Titan Z

Even though I think that Nvidia made a right move with positioning a GPU for the serious Compute Hobbyist, they are very unclear with their proposition. AMD is very clear: “Want professional graphics and compute (and play games after work)? Get FirePro W for workstations”, whereas Nvidia says “Want compute? Get a Titan if you want video-output, or Tesla if you don’t”.

See this Geforce-page, where they position it as a gamers-card that competes with the Google Brain Supercomputer and a MAC Pro. In other places (especially benchmarks) it is stressed that it is not meant for gamers, but for compute enthusiasts (who can afford it). See for example this review on

That said, we wouldn’t recommend this product to gamers anyway: two Nvidia GeForce GTX 780 Ti or AMD Radeon R9 290X cards offer roughly similar performance for only a fraction of the money. Only two Titan-Zs in SLI offer significantly higher performance, but the required investment is incredibly high, to the point where we wouldn’t even consider these cards for our Ultimate PC Advice.

As a result, Nvidia stresses that these cards are primarily intended for GPGPU applications in workstations. However, when looking at these benchmarks, we again fail to see a convincing image that justifies the price of these cards.

So NVIDIA’s naming convention is unclear. If TITAN is for the serious and professional compute developer, why use the brand “Geforce”? A Quadro Titan would have made much more sense. Or even “Tesla Workstation”, so developers could get a guarantee that the code would run on the server too.

Differentiating from low-end compute

Radeon and Geforce GPUs are used for low-cost compute-cluster. Both AMD and NVidia prefer to sell their professional cards for that market and have difficulties to make a clear understanding that game-cards are not designed for compute-only solutions. The one thing they did the past years is to reserve good double precision computations for their professional cards only. An existing difference was the driver quality between Quadro/FirePro (industry quality) and GeForce/Radeon. I think both companies have to rethink the differentiated driver-strategy, as compute has changed the demands in the market.

I expect more differences between the support-software for different types of users. When would I pay for professional cards?

  1. Double Precision GFLOPS
  2. Hardware differences (ECC, NVIDIA GPUDirect or AMD SDI-link/DirectGMA, faster buses, etc)
  3. Faster support
  4. (Free) Developer Tools
  5. System Configuration Software (click-click and compute works)
  6. Ease of porting algorithms to servers/clusters (up-scaling with less bugs)
  7. Ease of porting algorithms to game-cards (simulation-mode for several game-cards)

So the list starts with hardware specific demands, then focuses to developer support. Let me know in the comments, why you would (not) pay for professional cards.

Evolving from gamer-compute to server-compute

GPU-developers are not born, but made (trained or self-educated). Most times they start with OpenCL (or CUDA) on their own PC or laptop.

With Nvidia it would be hobby-compute on Geforce, then serious stuff on Titan, then Tesla or Grid. AMD has a comparable growth-path: hobby-compute on Radeon, then upgrade to FirePro W and then to FirePro S or Sky. Intel it is Iris or XeonPhi directly, as their positioning is not clear at all if it comes to accelerators.


Positioning of the graphics cards and compute cards are finally getting finalised at the high-level, but will certainly change a few more times in the year(s) to come. Think of the growing market for home-video editors in 2015, who will probably need a compute-card for video-compression. Nvidia will come with another solution than AMD or Intel, as it has no desktop-CPU.

Do you think it will be possible to have an AMD APU with NVIDIA accelerator? Do people need to buy a accelerator-box in 2015 that can be attached to their laptop or tablet via network or USB, to do the rendering and other compute-intensive work (a “private compute cloud”)? Or will there always be a market for discrete GPUs? Time will tell.

Thanks for reading. I hope the table makes clear how things are now as of 2014. Suggestions are welcome.

Applied GPGPU-days Amsterdam 2013

6754632287-2December 2013: Videos are not ready yet, but link will be put here.

Amsterdam, 20 June – Applied GPGPU-days in Amsterdam. Keep your agenda free for this event.

What can you do with GPUs to speed up computations? This year we can see various examples where OpenCL and CUDA have been used. We hope to give you an answer if you can use GPUs for your software, research or algorithm.

After the success of last year (fully booked with 66 attendees), we now have reserved a larger location with place for 100 people. Difference with last year is that we focus more on applications, less on technical aspects.

The program has been made public recently:

Title of talk Company/Institute Presenter
Introduction to GPGPU and GPU-architectures StreamHPC Vincent Hindriksen
Blender Cycles & Tiles: Enhancing user experience AtMind bv Monique Dewanchand & Jeroen Bakker
XeonPhi vs K20: The fight of the titans SURFsara Evghenii Gaburov
A real-time simulation technique for ship-ship and ship-port interaction PMH bv Jo Pinkster
CUDA Accelerated Neural Networks LIACS Ana Balevic
Efficient Reconstruction of Biological Networks via Transitive Reduction on GPUs TU Eindhoven Anton Wijs
Running Petsc on GPUs with an example from fluid dynamics SURFsara Thomas Geenen
Connected Component Labelling, an embarrassingly sequential algorithm Leeuwarden University Jaap van de Loosdrecht
Visualizing sound and vibrations using a GPU and a 1024-channel microphone array TU Eindhoven Wouter Ouwens
Gravitational N-body simulations on 1 to many GPUs Leiden observatory Jeroen Bédorf

A few demos will be shown.

For more information, see the Platform Parallel webpage. Also to find other events by the platform.

Tickets are €75,-. If you are from a Dutch university or research institute affiliated with SURF, your ticket has been fully sponsored by SURFsara.

Associated events in the Netherlands

For the technical aspects (GPU-programming techniques, optimisation, etc) we have a special day: the GPU Dev Day 2013. More information on the Platform Parallel webpage. Date and place will be made public in June.

The first Khronos Meetup Benelux will take place just before the Applied GPGPU day, on 19 June in Amsterdam. More information on the meetup-page.

PathScale ENZO

My todo-list gets too large, because there seem so many things going on in GPGPU-world. Therefore the following article is not really complete, but I hope it gives you an idea of the product.

ENZO was presented as the alternative to CUDA and OpenCL. In that light I compared them to Intel Array Building Blocks a few weeks ago, not that their technique is comparable in a technical way. PathScale’s CTO mailed me and tried to explain what ENZO really is. This article consists mainly of what he (Mr. C. Bergström) told me. Any questions you have, I will make sure he receives them.


ENZO is a complete GPGPU solution and ecosystem of tools that provide full support for NVIDIA Tesla (kernel driver, runtime, assembler, code generation, front-end programming model and various other things to make a developer’s life easier).

Right now it supports the HMPP C/Fortran programming model. HMPP is an open standard jointly developed by CAPS and PathScale. I’ve mentioned HMPP before, as it can translate Fortran and C-code to OpenCL, CUDA and other languages. ENZO’s implementation differs from HMPP by using native front-ends and does hardware optimised code generation.

You can learn ENZO in 5 minutes if you’ve done any OpenMP-like programming in the past. For example the Fortran-code (sorry for the missing indenting):

!$hmpp simple codelet, target=TESLA1

subroutine add(n, a, b, c)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: n
real, intent(in) :: a(n), b(n)
real, intent(out) :: c(n)
integer :: i

do i=1, n
if (a(i) > 5) then
c(i) = 1
c(i) = 2

end subroutine add

subroutine test
integer, parameter :: n=10
real :: a(n), b(n), c(n)
integer :: i

do i=1, n
a(i) = i
b(i) = i

!$hmpp simple callsite
call add(n, a, b, c)
end subroutine test

This is somewhat different we know from OpenCL, mostly because we don’t need a specific kernel. This is because with just a few hints, the compiler does a lot for you. Like in OpenMP you tell the compiler with directives/pragmas which parts you want to be parallelised. More explanation can be found in the user manual [PDF]. You can try it out yourself for free if you have a Tesla-card; future versions of ENZO will support more architectures.

OpenCL – the battle, part II

Part II: the software-companies

It is very clear what’s at stake for the hardware-companies; we’ve also discussed the operating systems. But what should the software companies do? For companies which make i.e. encoding-software or databases it is very simple: support OpenCL or be years behind (what marketing can’t fix). For most other software there is a dependency on the programming language since OpenCL is a very specialised way of programming which (most times) is too different from in-house knowledge and can therefore be too expensive.

This article is somewhat brief, since most of the material will be discussed further in later-to-be-released articles.

Video-encoding and rendering

Why we had easily 60 frames per second in games but rendering an image of our own house would take minutes? You had the feeling there was a gap between worlds which needed to be closed. OpenGL/DirectX did a lot (also see our next article about OpenGL, OpenCL and DirectX), but was not able to help us in outside games. Apple did a lot to the desktop by integrating hardware-acceleration (later copied by Linux and Windows), but somehow GPU-processed results were not regarded professional and maybe seen more as an intermediate result (to see how it would look like).

Elemental Technologies was first with its H.264/AVC encoder; Nero and nVidia joined forces somewhat later. Both are based on CUDA and not OpenCL. Since rendering is close to what we already expected to come out of a GPU, we think this market is very soon recovering introducing the same product, based on OpenCL.

A few months ago nVidia has released its GPU-based ray-tracing engine, OptiX. On Youtube you can find the demo of VRay‘s accelerated ray-tracing engine.

We expect a lot of news from the graphics-world, since they already know how to program with shaders. A lot of artists will love the free speed-up, but it’s not breaking news this would be possible.

Programming languages

C and C++ are official bindings of OpenCL. And thereby Objective-C (used on i.e. on the iPhone) has native support.

As we described last week, we think that Oracle/Sun is taking OpenCL more serious now, Several wrappers exist for Java, but native support is missing; we would suggest writing the OpenCL-part in C or C++ when using Java, even if this breaks the beauty of the multi-platform-language.

It is very clear Microsoft had a better view with being an early adopter with Visual Studio integration trough profilers (created by AMD and nVidia). You already see higher-level implementations, such as the C#-toolkit OpenTK has included support that goes beyond the default dll-bindings. Also here programming parts in native C would be best.

Python is famous for its endless wrappers around anything, so it was to be expected to find an OpenCL-binding. Python has always been the safe choice for scientific programming, because of its enthusiastic community.

A binding for OpenCL in languages like PHP and Perl is completely absent. Most times this is not a problem, as C-libraries can easily be called.

RapidMind had en product which provided higher-level programming on the GPU, but after its acquisition by Intel, we don’t see the product any more. So we can conclude we just have to wait for native support in other languages than C, C++ and objective-C, to have better support.


We will cover databases later, when projects are more mature. In short, currently is investigated how GPUs can do, what SUN’s UltraSparcs already did. Since the memory-bandwidth is only great when using the onboard-memory, this is not as promising as it looks. Index-searches can be sped up, but these are not the real bottle-neck in database-performance. We think it is very important to invest in OpenCL-research in this competing market.

Operating Systems

Apple has had good GPU-support since OSX and therefore a good understanding of graphic-cards. Apple started the project OSX and already has updated several core libraries with OpenCL.

Microsoft has built DirectCompute in DirectX 11. This is OpenCL-technology put in a MS-jacket, as we’ve seen the company do many times before. Coming up is an article which discusses the differences.

Linux (Desktop and HPC) have not great support for OpenCL, but it works well enough to have most large OpenCL/CUDA-upgraded clusters on its name. Due to the flexibility of the OS and the strong competition between nVidia and AMD, a lot of research is done. Nevertheless there are no core-libraries in Linux which support OpenCL. We expect i.e. visualisation-libraries to support OpenCL this year.

Mathematical software

Matlab, Octave, Mathematica, R and Maple will all have a big advantage by using the GPU. Matlab has the most support by external libraries: CUDA, Jacket, gpuMat, etc. Mathematica will soon release a CUDA-version of Mathematica. R is still in discussion, Octave has a few partial/abandoned implementations of some libraries; since there is a lot of money to make by selling these products we can only expect full open-source implementations. Maple refers to its external call routines, so we still have to wait a while until we can have GPU-support.


This short overview gives an idea of where to expect to find OpenCL-powered solutions. When we find more markets the coming weeks, we’ll update this post.

Clear winners cannot be pinpointed, since the door has just opened. Maybe Nero, since it will now sell more of its encoding-products to owners of nVidia GPUs.

Performance can be measured as Throughput, Latency or Processor Utilisation

40225151 - fiber optic cable
Getting data from one point to another can be measured in throughput and latency.

When you ask how fast code is, then we might not be able to answer that question. It depends on the data and the metric.

In this article I’ll give an overview of different ways to describe speed and what metrics are used. I focus on two types of data-utilisations:

  • Transfers. Data-movements through cables, interconnects, etc.
  • Processors. Data-processing. with data in and data out.

Both are important to select the right hardware. When we help our customers select the best hardware for their software,an important part of the advice is based on it.

Transfer utilisation: Throughput

How many bytes gets processed per second, minute or hour? Often a metric of GB/s is used, but even MB/day is possible. Alternatively items per second is used, when relative speed is discussed. An alternative word is bandwidth, which described the theoretical maximum instead of the actual bytes being transported.

The typical type of software is a batch-process – think media-processing (audio, video, images), search-jobs and neural networks.

It could be that all answers are computed at the end of the batch-process, or that results are given continuously. The throughput is the same, but the so called latency is very different.

Transfer utilisation: Latency

What is the time between the data-offering and the results? Or what is the reaction time? It is measured in time (often nanoseconds (ns, a billionth of a second), microsecond (μs, a millionth of a second) or milliseconds (ms, a thousandth of a second). When latency gets longer than seconds, its still called latency but more often it’s called “processing time”

This is important in streaming applications – think of applications in broadcasting and networking.

There are three causes for latency:

  1. Reaction time: hardware/software noticing there is a job
  2. Transport time: it takes time to copy data, especially when we talk GBs
  3. Process time: computing the data can

When latency is most important we use FPGAs (see this short presentation on OpenCL-on-FPGAs) or CPUs with embedded GPUs (where the total latency between context-switching from and to the GPU is a lot lower than when discrete GPUs are used).

Processor utilisation: Throughput

Given the current algorithm, how much potential is left on the given hardware?

The algorithm running on the processor possibly is the bottleneck of the system. The metric we use for this balance is “”FLOPS per byte”. This means that the less data is needed per compute operation, the higher the chance that the algorithm is compute-limited. FYI: unless your algorithm is very inefficient, you should be very happy when you’re compute-limited.

resizedimage600300-rooflineai (1)

The below image shows how the above algorithms on the roofline-model. You see that for many processors you need to have at least 4 FLOPS per byte to hit the frequency-wall, else you’ll hit the bandwidth-wall.


This is why HBM is so important.

Processors utilisation: Latency

How fast can data get in and out of the processor? This sets the minimum latency that can be reached. The metric is the same as for transfers (time), but then on system level.

For FPGAs this latency can be very low (10s of nanoseconds) when data-cables are directly connected to the FPGA-chip. Such FPGAs are on a board with i.e. a network-port and/or a DisplayPort-port.

GPUs depend on how well they’re connected to the CPU. As this is a subject on its own, I’ll discuss in another post.

Determining the theoretical speed of a system

A request “Make this hardware as fast as possible” is a lot easier (and cheaper) to solve than “Make this hardware as fast as possible on hardware X”. This is because there is no one fastest hardware (even though vendors make believe us so), there is only hardware most optimal for a specific algorithm.

When doing code-reviews, we offer free advice on which hardware is best for the target algorithm, for the given budget and required power-envelope. Contact us today to access our knowledge.

PDFs of Monday 19 September

Already the fourth PDF-Monday. It takes quite some time, so I might keep it to 10 in the future – but till then enjoy! Not sure which to read? Pick the first one (for the rest there is not order).

Edit: and the last one, follow me on twitter to see the  PDFs I’m reading. Reason is that hardly anyone clicked on the links to the PDFs.

I would like if you let others know in the comments which PDF you liked a lot.

Adding Physics to Animated Characters with Oriented Particles (Matthias Müller and Nuttapong Chentanez). Discusses how to accelerate movements of pieces of cloth attached to the bodies. Not time to read? There are nice pictures.

John F. Peddy’s analysis on the GPU market.

Hardware/Software Co-Design. Simple Solution to the Matrix Multiplication Problem using CUDA.

CUDA Based Algorithms for Simulating Cardiac Excitation Waves in a Rabbit Ventricle. Bioinformatics.

Real-time implementation of Bayesian models for multimodal perception using CUDA.

GPU performance prediction using parametrized models (Master-thesis by Andreas Resios)

A Parallel Ray Tracing Architecture Suitable for Application-Specific Hardware and GPGPU Implementations (Alexandre S. Nery, Nadia Nedjah, Felipe M.G. Franca, Lech Jozwiak)

Rapid Geocoding of Satellite SAR Images with Refined RPC Model. An ESA-presentation by Lu Zhang, Timo Balz and Mingsheng Liao.

A Parallel Algorithm for Flight Route Planning with CUDA (Master-thesis by Seçkîn Sanci). About the travelling salesman problem and much more.

Color-based High-Speed Recognition of Prints on Extruded Materials. Product-presentation on how to OCR printed text on cables.

Supplementary File of Sequence Homology Search using Fine-Grained Cycle Sharing of Idle GPUs (Fumihiko Ino, Yuma Munekawa, and Kenichi Hagihara). They sped up the BOINC-system (Folding@Home). Bit vague what they want to tell, but maybe you find it interesting.

Parallel Position Weight Matrices Algorithms (Mathieu Giraud, Jean-Stéphane Varré). Bioinformatics, DNA.

GPU-based High Performance Wave Propagation Simulation of Ischemia in Anatomically Detailed Ventricle (Lei Zhang, Changqing Gai, Kuanquan Wang, Weigang Lu, Wangmeng Zuo). Computation in medicine. Ischemia is a restriction in blood supply, generally due to factors in the blood vessels, with resultant damage or dysfunction of tissue

Per-Face Texture Mapping for Realtime Rendering. A Siggraph2011 presentation by Disney and NVidia.

Introduction to Parallel Computing. The CUDA 101 by Victor Eijkhout of University of Texas.

Optimization on the Power Efficiency of GPU and Multicore Processing Element for SIMD Computing. Presentation on what you find out when putting the volt-meter directly on the GPU.

NUDA: Programming Graphics Processors with Extensible Languages. Presentation on NUDA to write less code for GPGPU.

Qt FRAMEWORK: An introduction to a cross platform application and user interface framework. Presentation on the Qt-platform – which has great #OpenCL-support.

Data Assimilation on future computer architectures. The problems projected for 2020.

Current Status of Standards for Augmented Reality (Christine Perey1, Timo Engelke and Carl Reed). not much to do with OpenCL, but tells an interesting purpose for it.

Parallel Computations of Vortex Core Structures in Superconductors (Master-thesis by Niclas E. Wennerdal).

Program the SAME Here and Over There: Data Parallel Programming Models and Intel Many Integrated Core Architecture. Presentation on how to program the Intel MIC.

Large-Scale Chemical Informatics on GPUs (Imran S. Haque, Vijay S. Pande). Book-chapter on the design and optimization of GPU implementations of two popular chemical similarity techniques: Gaussian shape overlay (GSO) and LINGO.

WebGL, WebCL and Beyond! A presentation by Neil Trevett of NVidia/Khronos.

Biomanycores, open-source parallel code for many-core bioinformatics (Mathieu Giraud, Stéphane Janot, Jean-Frédéric Berthelot, Charles Delte, Laetitia Jourdan , Dominique Lavenier , Hélène Touzet, Jean-Stéphane Varré). A short description on the project

Scaling mobile GPUs to 1000 GFLOPS

arm_mali_cover_151112297646_640x360On the 20th of April 2013 there was an interesting discussion between Jan Gray and David Kanter. Jan is a specialist in C++ and FPGAs (twitter, homepage). David is a specialist in CPU and GPU architectures (twitterhomepage). Both know their ways well in the field of semiconductors. It is always a joy to follow their short discussions when they happen, but there was something about this one that made me want to share it with special attention.

OpenCL on ARM: Growth-expectation of GFLOPS/Watt of mobile GPUs exceeds Moore’s law. That’s incredible!

Jan Gray: .@OpenCLonARM GFLOPS/W more a factor of almost-over Dennard Scaling. But plenty of waste still to quash.

Jan Gray‏: .@openclonarm Scratch Dennard tweet: reduced capacitance of yet smaller devices shd improve GFLOPS/W even as we approach end of Vdd scaling.

David Kanter: @jangray @OpenCLonARM I think some companies would argue Vdd scaling isn’t dead…

Jan Gray: @TheKanter @openclonarm it’s not dead, but slowing, we’ve gone from 5V to 1V (25x power savings) and have maybe several hundred mVs to go.

David Kanter: @jangray I reckon we have at least 400mV, so ~2X; slower than ideal, but still significant

Jan Gray: @TheKanter We agree, I think.

David Kanter: @jangray I suspect that if GPU scaling > Moore’s Law then they are just spending more area or power; like discrete GPUs in the last decade

David Kanter: @jangray also, most positive comment I’ve heard from industry folks on mobile GPU software and drivers is “catastrophically terrible”

Jan Gray: @TheKanter Many ways to reduce power, soup to nuts. For ex HMC DRAM on interposer for lower energy signaling. I’m sure many tricks to come.

In a nutshell, all the reasons they think mobile GPUs can outpace Moore’s law while staying under a certain power-usage.

It needs some background-info, so let’s start the background of the first tweet, and then explain what has been said. Continue reading “Scaling mobile GPUs to 1000 GFLOPS”

MPI in terms of OpenCL

OpenCL is a member of a family of Host-Kernel programming language extensions. Others are CUDA, IMPC and DirectCompute/AMP. It lets itself define by a separate function or set of functions referenced to as kernel, which are prepared and launched by the host to run in parallel. Added to that are deeply integrated language-extensions for vectors, which gives an extra dimension to parallelism.

Except from the vectors, there is much overlap between Host-Kernel-languages and parallel standards like MPI and OpenMP. As MPI and OpenMPI have focused on how to get software parallel for years now, this could give you an image of how OpenCL (and the rest of the family) will evolve. And it answers how its main concept message-passing could be done with OpenCL, and more-over how OpenCL could be integrated into MPI/OpenMP.

At the right you see bees doing different things, which is easy to parallellise with MPI, but currently doesn’t have the focus of OpenCL (when targeting GPUs). But actually it is very easy to do this with OpenCL too, if the hardware supports it such like CPUs.

Continue reading “MPI in terms of OpenCL”

The knowns and unknowns of the PEZY-SC accelerator at RIKEN

PEZY-SC_QuadPCB-1_smallThe green500 is out and one unknown processor takes the number one position with a huge improvement over last year. It is a new super-computer installed at RIKEN with an incredible 7 GFLOPS/Watt. It is powered by the processor-boards at the right: two Xeons, 4 PEZY-SC 1.4 accelerators and 128GB DRAM, which have a combined performance of about 6.2 TFLOPS. It has been designed for immersive cooling.

The second and third positions are also powered by the PEZY-SC, before we find the winner of last year: the AMD FirePro S9150 and a bit after that the rest (mostly NVidia Tesla). One constant is the CPUs used: Intel XEON is taking most. To my big surprise no ARM64.


From the third to the first PEZY-SC installation there is an improvement of 13%. It seems the first two are the new type, called “bricks”, while the third is the same as last year. Comparing with that super from last year (4.4945 GFLOPS/W) there is an improvement of 42% and 25%. The 13% improvement from the previous version is interesting enough, but the 25% improvement on exactly the same system raised questions. Probably it is due to compiler-optimisations. As the November-version of the Green500 is much more strict, it will be clear if the rules were bent – let’s hope it’s for real!

It supports OpenCL!

When new accelerators support OpenCL, it gets accepted more easily. So it is very interesting the PEZY-SC runs on OpenCL. I asked at ISC and got explained it was a subset of OpenCL, but could not get the finger on which subset, nor could I get access to test it. It does mean that code that would run well on this machine is easy to port. And then I mean the same “easy” Intel uses for explaining the easyness of porting OpenMP software to XeonPhi: PEZI-specific optimisations and writing around the missing functionality would still take effort – the typical stuff we do at StreamHPC.

RIKEN Shoubu

Some information on “Shoubu” (“Iris” in Japanese), the top 1 on the Green 500. According to the Green500 it is 353.8 TFLOPS (based on 50kW, using an actual benchmark). On 25 June RIKEN announced the Shoubu is 2 PFLOPS (theoretical). If the full machine is used for the Green500, then the efficiency was only 18%!

Below are some images of the installation.

shoubu2  shoubu3  shoubu1


An important part is Exascaler’s immersion technology, what I understood is a spin-off of PEZY. I’m very curious what the AMD FirePro S9150 does when it uses immersion-cooling – I think we have to do some frying at the office to find out.


PEZY started with a multi-core processor of 512 cores, the PEZY-1. The PEZY-SC has 1024 cores and has had a few gradual upgrades – currently PEZY-SC 1.4 (“the brick”) is installed.

PEZY-SC Specification:

Logic Cores(PE) 1,024
Core Frequency 733MHz
Peak Performance Floating Point. Single 3.0TFlops / Double 1.5TFlops
Host Interface PCI Express GEN3.0 x8Lane x 4Port (x16 bifurcation available)
JESD204B Protocol support
DRAM Interface DDR4, DDR3 combo 64bit x 8Port Max B/W 1533.6GB/s
+Ultra WIDE IO SDRAM (2,048bit) x 2Port Max B/W 102.4GB/s
Control CPU ARM926 dual core
Process Node 28nm
Package FCBGA 47.5mm x 47.5mm, Ball Pitch 1mm, 2,112pin


Development on PEZY-SC2 is ongoing, which will have a staggering 4096 cores. Ofcourse efficiency has to go up (if the 18% is correct), to make this a good upgrade.

There is no promise on when the PEZY-SC2 will be announced, but it will certainly surprise us again hen it arrives.

Guest-blog: Accelerating sequential machine vision algorithms with OpenMP and OpenCL

Jaap van de LoosdrechtGuest-blogger Jaap van de Loosdrecht wants to share his thesis with you. He leads the Centre of Expertise in Computer Vision department at NHL University of applied sciences and is the owner of his own company, and still managed to study and write a MSc-thesis. The thesis is interesting because it extensively compares OpenCL with OpenMP, especially chapters 7 an 8.

For those who are interested, my thesis “Acceleration sequential machine vision algorithms using commodity parallel hardware” is available at

Keywords: Computer Vision, Image processing, Parallel programming, Multi-core CPU, GPU, C++, OpenMP, OpenCL.

Many other related research projects have considered using one domain specific algorithm to compare the best sequential implementation with the best parallel implementation on a specific hardware platform. This work was distinctive because it investigated how to speed up a whole library by parallelizing the algorithms in an economical way and execute them on multiple platforms.This work has:

  • Examined, compared and evaluated 22 programming languages and environments for parallel computing on multi-core CPUs and GPUs.
  • Chosen to use OpenMP as the standard for multi-core CPU programming and OpenCL for GPU programming.
  • Re-implemented a number of standard and well-known algorithms in Computer Vision using both standards.
  • Tested the performance of the implemented parallel algorithms and compared the performance to the sequential implementations of the commercially available software package VisionLab.
  • Evaluated the test results with a view to assessing:
    • Appropriateness of multi-core CPU and GPU architectures in Computer Vision.
    • Benefits and costs of parallel approaches to implementation of Computer Vision algorithms.

Using OpenMP it was demonstrated that many algorithms of a library could be parallelized in an economical way and that adequate speedups were achieved on two multi-core CPU platforms. With a considerable amount of extra effort, OpenCL was used to achieve much higher speedups for specific algorithms on dedicated GPUs.

At the end of the project, the choice of standards was re-evaluated including newly emerged ones. Recommendations are given for using standards in the future, and for future research and development.

Algorithmic improvements are suggested for Convolution and Connect Component Labelling.

Your feedback and/or questions are welcome.

If you put comments here, I’ll make sure Jaap van de Loosdrecht will get to know and answer your questions on the subjects discussed in his thesis.

Call for speakers: IEEE eScience Conference in Amsterdam

We’re in the program committee of the 14th IEEE eScience Conference in Amsterdam, organized by the Netherlands eScience Center. It will be held from 29 October to 1 November 2018, and the deadlines for sending the abstracts is Monday 18 June.

The conference brings together leading international researchers and research software engineers from all disciplines to present and discuss how digital technology impacts scientific practice. eScience promotes innovation in collaborative, computationally- or data-intensive research across all disciplines, throughout the research lifecycle.

Continue reading “Call for speakers: IEEE eScience Conference in Amsterdam”

Help write the book “Numerical Computations with GPUs”

9783319065472There is an interesting book coming up: “Numerical Computations with GPUs” – a book explaining various numerical algorithms with code in CUDA or OpenCL.

edit: At the moment there are 21 articles to be included in the book.

edit 2: book should be out in July

edit 3: Order via Springer International or Amazon US.

  • Accelerating Numerical Dense Linear Algebra Calculations with GPUs.
  • A Guide to Implement Tridiagonal Solvers on GPUs.
  • Batch Matrix Exponentiation.
  • Efficient Batch LU and QR Decomposition on GPU.
  • A Flexible CUDA LU-Based Solver for Small, Batched Linear Systems.
  • Sparse Matrix-Vector Product.
  • Solving Ordinary Differential Equations on GPUs.
  • GPU-based integration of large numbers of independent ODE systems.
  • Finite and spectral element methods on unstructured grids for flow and wave propagation problems.
  • A GPU implementation for solving the Convection Diffusion equation using the Local Modified SOR method.
  • Pseudorandom numbers generation for Monte Carlo simulations on GPUs: Open CL approach.
  • Monte Carlo Automatic Integration with Dynamic Parallelism in CUDA.
  • GPU-Accelerated computation routines for quantum trajectories method.
  • Monte Carlo Simulation of Dynamic Systems on GPUs.
  • Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) on GPUs.
  • A Highly Efficient FFT Using Shared-Memory Multiplexing.
  • Increasing parallelism and reducing thread contentions in mapping localized N-body simulations to GPUs.


Continue reading “Help write the book “Numerical Computations with GPUs””

DirectCompute’s unpopularity

In the world of GPGPU we have currently 4 players: Khronos OpenCL, NVIDIA CUDA, Microsoft DirectCompute and PathScal ENZO. You probably know CUDA and OpenCL already (or start reading more articles from this blog). ENZO is a 64bit-compiler which serves a small niche-market, and DirectCompute is built on top of CUDA/OpenCL or at least uses the same drivers.

Edit 2011-01-03: I was contacted by Pathscale about my conclusions about ENZO. The reason why not much is out there is that they’re still in closed alpha. Expect more to hear from them about ENZO somewhere in the coming 3 months.

A while ago there was an article introducing OpenCL by David Kanter who claimed on page 4 that DirectCompute will win from CUDA. I quote:

Judging by history though, OpenCL and DirectCompute will eventually come to dominate the landscape, just as OpenGL and DirectX became the standards for graphics.

I twittered that I totally disagreed with him and in this article I will explain why I think that.

Continue reading “DirectCompute’s unpopularity”

Start your GPU-career here

GPUs have been our mysterious friends and known enemies for years, as they let us run code in expected and unexpected ways. GPUs have solved problems for many of our customers. GPUs have such a high rate of evolvement, that they’ll remain important for the years to come.

Problem is that programming GPUs is not an easy task. Where do you learn to program GPUs? We found these to be the main groups:

  • Universities
  • Research centers
  • GPU vendors (AMD, Nvidia, Intel, Qualcomm, ARM)
  • Self-study

This is far from enough. Add to that, that only a very select group learns the craft at a company. We’d like to change that, and we think now is the time for us to be able to deliver on this.

In January we’ll our internal training program will start with 4 to 8 developers. Focus in on fully understanding recent GPU-architectures, CUDA and OpenCL. It will consist of lectures, workshops, discussions, paper reading and ofcourse coding for one month. The months after that will have guidance, paper presentations, code reviews and time for self-study. The exact form will differ per person.

The hard side

The current measurable requirements are:

  • EU citizen or already having a working permit
  • Great at C/C++
  • High interest in algorithmic optimisations
  • Any performance improvement focus (i.e. Assembly, clean code) is a plus
  • Any GPU experience (i.e. OpenGL, DirectX, self-study) is a plus
  • High interest in performance
  • Willing to move to Amsterdam
  • Willing to work for Stream HPC for at least 2 years

The soft side

We’re looking for people that fit our culture and we think we can train. This means that the selection is based for a large part on “the spark”. Therefore the application starts with a speed date, and we’re sorry for not finding a better wording for this. This is a 20 minute discussion about what we like and what we don’t. This can be done via phone, Skype or in person, during the evening, in the weekends or during your lunch break.

How to apply

Read about our company culture. Look at the jobs we have open. These describe the requirements after the training. Then write us a motivational letter: explain us why this is exactly what you want, why you’re capable and why you’re a cultural fit. If you find it hard to write such letter, then just start with answering the list of requirements. It’s a big bonus to share code (Github, Gitlab, zip-file). Send your email to

Other jobs

Feeling more senior? We have other jobs:

OpenCL on the CPU: AVX and SSE

When AMD came out with CPU-support I was the last one who was enthusiastic about it, comparing it as feeding chicken-food to oxen. Now CUDA has CPU-support too, so what was I missing?

This article is a quick overview on OpenCL on CPU-extensions, but expect more to come when the Hybrid X86-Processors actually hit the market. Besides ARM also IBM already has them; also more about their POWER-architecture in an upcoming article to give them the attention they deserve.

CPU extensions

SSE/MMX started in the 90’s extending the IBM-compatible X86-instruction, being able to do an add and a multiplication in one clock-tick. I still remember the discussion in my student-flat that the MP3s I could produce in only 4 minutes on my 166MHz PC just had to be of worse quality than the ones which were encoded in 15 minutes. No, the encoder I “found” on the internet made use of SSE-capabilities. Currently we have reached SSE5 (by AMD) and Intel introduced a new extension called AVX. That’s a lot of abbreviations! MMX stands for “MultiMedia Extension”, SSE for “Streaming SIMD Extensions” with SIMD being “Single Instruction Multiple Data” and AVX for “Advanced Vector Extension”. This sounds actually very interesting, since we saw SIMD and Vectors op the GPU too. Let’s go into SSE (1 to 4) and AVX – both fully supported on the new CPUs by AMD and Intel.

Continue reading “OpenCL on the CPU: AVX and SSE”